Daphne indica.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anger with trembling31
Delusions,sees cats31
Visions of fire31
Restlessness during headache31
Want of sensitiveness31
Starting on falling asleep32
Vertigo while walking21
Head constriction21
Enlarged head sensation21
Head fullness21
Head fullness as if it would burst31
Head heat21
Vertex heat32
Scalp itching21
Knocking as of brain against skull31
Headache in general21
Headache during the chill31
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache with pains in back31
Headache on rising from stooping31
Headache from touch31
Aching pain deep in brain21
Brain pain while thinking31
Above right eye headache31
Forehead pain,behind the eyes31
Occiput pain21
Temples pain22
Temples pain,pressure aggravation31
Temples pain,touch aggravation31
Headache,vertex pain21
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing headache asunder31
Pressing headache as if in a vice31
Vertex pain as if screwed up in a vice31
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure21
Sore headache after mental exertion31
Temples sore bruised pain21
Stitching headache21
Temples stitching pain21
Head sides stunning pain31
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing21
Beating of brain against skull31
Temples pulsating21
As if head were separated from body22
As if head were separated from body,night32
Swollen,distended head feeling21
Eyes dullness21
Sensation of eyes enlargement22
Eyes glassy appearance21
Lids heaviness,morning31
Eye inflammation21
Sensation as if membrane drawn over eyes21
Eye pain21
Eye pain,evening31
Eye bursting pain21
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Eye pressing outward pain31
Sensation of eye protrusion31
Contracted pupils (myosis)22
Weak eye21
Black floating31
Black floating spots (muscae volitantes)32
Dim vision,morning31
Dim vision while reading31
Noises in ear21
Humming in ear21
Roaring in ear21
Ear burning pain21
Ear screwing pain21
Ear screwing pain,morning on waking31
Stitching pain in ear,evening31
Crusts,scabs inside nose31
Heat in nose21
Nose right wing sore bruised pain31
Nose inside tingling31
Jaws burning pain31
Jaws joints drawing pain31
Lower jaw stiffness31
Crackling of gums on pressure21
Red palate32
Tongue dryness31
Breath offensive odor31
Gums pain,pulsating31
Tongue pain as if burnt31
Gums pulsating21
Hot saliva31
Sensation as if soft tongue31
Gums swelling31
Sour taste31
Gums vesicles31
Teeth feel as if on edge21
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Toothache with chilliness31
Toothache after coition31
Toothache,motion aggravation31
Toothache,tendency to perspire31
Pulsating toothache31
Toothache with involuntary flow of saliva31
Toothache extending to temples31
Boring toothache21
Cutting toothache21
Drawing toothache21
Dull toothache21
Gnawing toothache21
Stitching,stinging toothache21
Tearing toothache21
Tonsils suppuration21
Tickling in larynx31
Weak voice31
Asthmatic respiration21
Difficult respiration during night31
Exhausting cough21
Racking cough21
Cough preventing sleep31
Wakens from cough31
Tormenting cough21
Bloody expectoration,spitting of blood21
Spitting of streaked blood31
Copious expectoration21
Frequent expectoration21
Frothy expectoration21
Bloody mucous expectoration31
Thin expectoration21
Watery expectoration22
Yellow expectoration21
Chest fluttering21
Chest fluttering while lying on left side32
Oppression during chill31
Behind sternum pain when coughing31
Heart pain22
Heart stitching pain31
Heart palpitation while lying on side31
Wanting appetite21
Desires tobacco21
Stomach distention21
Eructations after eating31
Empty eructations22
Sensation of stomach fullness21
Stomach pain after drinking31
Stomach pain after eating31
Stomach burning pain after eating32
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach cramping pain after eating31
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain21
Stomach tearing pain22
Retching with cough32
Vomiting after breakfast31
Sour vomiting22
Frequent urging to urinate21
Frequent urination22
Frequent urination, night31
Kidneys cutting pain21
Prostatic fluid emission21
Prostatic fluid emission after urination32
Urethra soreness during urination31
Cloudy urine22
Red urine21
Reddish-yellow urine31
Light yellow urine22
Light yellow urine,thick and turbid like rotten eggs31
Copious urine (increased)22
Urine offensive odor21
Urine odor like spoiled eggs22
Urine putrid odor21
Adherent sediment in urine22
Purulent sediment in urine22
Red sediment in urine22
Red sediment in urine,hard to wash off32
Yellow sediment in urine21
Thick urine22
Scrotum perspiration21
Seminal emissions after urinating31
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Late menses21
Protracted menses21
Back itching21
Back burning itching31
Back pain before chill31
Back pain after eating32
Back pain while lying31
Back pain when stooping31
Cervical region pain22
Cervical pain extending to forehead31
Cervical pain extending to shoulders31
Dorsal region pain21
Under left scapula pain31
Spine pain21
Back aching pain before chill31
Back burning pain21
Dorsal region cutting pain31
Under left scapula cutting pain31
Spine drawing pain31
Back pulsating21
Cervical region pulsating31
Nates coldness31
Knee coldness31
Foot coldness31
Toes coldness31
Sensation of foot enlargement31
Extremities rash eruption31
Extremities vesicles31
Upper limbs rash eruption31
Upper limbs vesicles eruption31
Upper limbs itching vesicles31
Hands itching eruption31
Lower limbs itching eruption31
Lower limbs miliary eruption31
Leg eruption31
Lef rash eruption31
Hand heat31
Finger tips heat31
Extremities itching,evening31
Calf itching, evening31
Limbs pain from cold air31
Limbs rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea31
Joints pain31
Upper limbs pain,walking amelioration31
Shoulder pain31
Right hip pain31
Thigh pain31
Knee pain31
Sole lightning-like pain31
First toe pain like lightning31
Thigh aching31
Hand boring pain31
Fingers boring pain31
Finger joints boring pain31
Hand burning pain31
Upper limbs shooting31
Upper limbs shooting extending downward31
Foot shooting31
Foot shooting,sticking ending in electric shocks31
Sole shooting31
Toes shooting31
Ball of toes shooting31
First toe shooting31
Sore,bruised extremities22
Sore bruised toes31
Upper limbs stitching extending dowward31
Fingers stitching pain31
Foot stitching ending in shocks31
Sole stitching pain31
Ball of toe stitching pain31
First toe stitching pain31
Fingers tearing pain31
Right hip tearing pain31
Sensation of separated upper limbs21
Sensation of separated upper limbs while driving a horse31
Lower limbs painful swelling31
Toes swelling32
Sleeplessness from coldness31
Sleeplessness with sleepiness31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Dreams about animals21
Dreams about cats22
Dreams about black cats31
Dreams about fire21
Coldness in general21
Chilliness during the apyrexia31
Yellow fever21
Perspiration in general21
Clammy perspiration21
Clammy perspiration with starting from sleep31
Perspiration,offensive odor31
Vesicular eruption,itching31
Suppressed gonorrhoea21
Jerking during sleep31
Full pulse31
Hard pulse31
Intermittent pulse31
Stretching during chill31
Trembling from anger31
Warm bed aggravation31