Leptandra virginica.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anxiety on waking31
Fear on waking31
Sadness,mental depression23
Thoughts of disease31
Constant,continued headache31
Gastric headache31
Headache on moving arms31
Forehead pain22
Forehead pain while walking31
Temples pain21
Forehead dull pain31
Forehead pressing pain21
Agglutinated eye21
Eye aching pain21
Pale face21
Sallow face21
Yellow face22
Cracked,fissured tongue in center31
Tongue black centre31
Black streak like ink,tongue centre31
Yellow tongue32
Tongue centre yellow32
Bitter taste32
Heart sore bruised pain31
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Sour eructations21
Stomach hardness21
Nausea during headache32
Stomach pain22
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach burning pain after cold drinks31
Stomach burning pain after drinking31
Stomach sinking22
Periodic vomiting32
Bile vomiting22
Bile vomiting with headache32
Anxiety in abdomen after stool31
Atrophy of liver21
Liver and region of liver23
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching after stool31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Inguinal region aching dull pain21
Inguinal region aching extending to testicles31
Liver aching,dull pain23
Liver aching,colic,gall-stone32
Umbilicus aching dull pain22
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain22
Hypochondria burning pain31
Liver burning pain33
Liver burning pain after stool31
Abdomen cutting pain21
Abdomen cutting pain after stool31
Abdomen cutting pain causing urging to stool32
Hypogastrium cutting pain22
Sore,bruised pain in liver23
Liver stitching pain23
Abdomen weakness after stool31
Diarrhoea,morning after rising31
Diarrhoea,morning,after rising and moving about31
Diarrhoea after cold drink31
Diarrhoea,damp weather32
Diarrhoea from meat31
Diarrhoea after vegetables31
Haemorrhage from anus22
Rectum pain,after stool amelioration31
Rectum tenesmus,after stool amelioration31
Sensation of relaxed anus after stool31
Urging to stool,after rising amelioration31
Rectum weakness after stool31
Acrid,corrosive,excoriating stool21
Bilious stool21
Black stool23
Fecal black stool32
Bloody stool22
Clay-colored stool21
Copious stool22
Green stool22
Knotty,nodular,lumpy stool22
Large stool23
Lienteric stool22
Membranous stool22
Mucous slimy bloody stool31
Mucous slimy watery stool31
Mushy stool21
Mushy yellow stool31
Stool,offensive odor32
Pasty stool22
Shooting out stool21
Soft stool21
Tarry-looking stool22
Thin liquid stool21
Thin liquid black stool32
Thin liquid fecal stool32
Watery stool22
Watery black stool32
Watery green stool31
Milk-like or chyle-like white stool31
Kidneys pain21
Dark brown urine32
Red urine22
Neutral urine21
Scanty urine21
Late menses22
Back coldness on waking31
Spine coldness31
Sacral region pain22
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar region lameness32
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Shoulder chilliness31
Extremities coldness22
Right shoulder pain32
Elbow pain31
Elbow pain,disappearance of rash32
Finger tips shooting31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Upper limb inner side stitching31
Tips of fingers stitching pain31
Sad dreams21
Coldness beginning in back31
Remittent fever21
Yellow skin,jaundice32
Pressing pain,internally32