Lobelia inflata.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind after eating31
Confusion of mind from motion31
Maniacal delirium31
Raving,raging delirium31
Delirium on waking31
Fear of death31
Internal restlessness31
Sadness,mental depression21
Wepping,tearful mood21
Vertigo during headache21
Vertigo with nausea22
Head sides coldness31
Head constriction21
Occiput constriction31
Head heat,evening31
Occiput heat31
Head heaviness21
Throwing head backward31
Headache in general21
Headache on waking31
Headache on ascending steps31
Constant,continued headache31
Headache on coughing32
Headache after eating31
Headache during the heat31
Headache increasing gradually31
Headache from motion31
Periodic headache31
Periodic headache,afternoon,increasing until midnight32
Headache from spirituous liquors31
Headache from smoking tobacco32
Above eyes headache31
Above left eye pain31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain,morning31
Occiput pain,evening31
Occiput pain in open air31
Occiput pain,mental labor31
Occiput pain,pressure of hat aggravation31
Occiput pain extending down back to neck31
Left side headache32
Sides headache during menses31
Temples pain21
Temples pain extending to jaw31
Temple to temple pain31
Vertex pain,ascending steps31
Vertex pain on motion31
Dull pain from temple to temple31
Headache,pressing pain21
Occiput pressing pain21
Temples pressing pain21
Temples pressing outward pain31
Stitching headache21
Scalp cold perspiration32
Head shocks,blows,jerks,etc...21
Like electric shocks in head31
Head wens21
Eye itching21
Lids itching31
Eye pain21
Eye aching pain21
Sounds of cymbals and drums21
Ear pain21
Ear pain extending inward31
Stitching pain in ear21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Stopped ear,boring with finger amelioration31
Nose tip coldness31
Face left side coldness31
Pale face23
Red face21
Face heat,evening31
Face heat flashes31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face left side pain33
Lower jaw drawing pain31
Face cold perspiration32
Tongue white right side32
Mouth dryness21
Clammy saliva31
Sweet saliva31
Viscid saliva31
Watery saliva31
Acrid taste22
Bitter taste31
Dull toothache21
Pressing toothache21
Oesophagus shoking31
Oesophagus choking,below upwards32
Throat crawling21
Throat dryness21
Diposition to hawk21
Sensation of lump or plug in throat22
Sensation of lump rising in throat32
Sensation of lump in oesophagus32
Throat mucus21
Throat tenacious mucus31
Throat burning pain21
Oesophagus pressing pain31
Sore throat21
Throat stitching pain on swallowing31
Impeded swallowing31
Lump in throat pit22
Throat pit pressing pain31
Laryngo-tracheal catarrh21
Larynx constriction32
Larynx and trachea dryness21
Sensation of foreign substance in larynx21
Trachea inflammation31
Irritation in air passages21
Larynx irritation32
Sensation of lump in larynx22
Sensation of lump in thoat pit32
Larynx and trachea burning pain22
Larynx burning pain32
Larynx plug22
Pressure in throat-pit22
Scraping,clearing larynx21
Tickling in larynx31
Anxious respiration21
Arrested respiration on coughing31
Asthmatic respiration23
Asthma from taking cold32
Asthma,cold air aggravation32
Spasmodic asthma33
Asthma,warm food aggravation32
Deep respiration21
Deep respiration is impossible32
Difficult respiration23
Difficult respiration,evening32
Difficult respiration during night32
Difficult respiration in cold air23
Difficult respiration on ascending32
Difficult respiration with cough31
Difficult respiration after exertion33
Difficult respiration,hysterical32
Difficult respiration while lying33
Difficult respiration,motion32
Difficult respiration,pain with every labor33
Difficult respiration,lump in throat-pit31
Difficult respiration on walking rapidly32
Difficult respiration,warm food32
Long respiration21
Slow expiration31
Asthmatic cough21
Cough,larynx constriction22
Deep cough21
Dry cough21
Cough,expectoration amelioration21
Sensation as of foreign body in larynx on coughing21
Gastric cough21
Cough from irritation in air passages21
Cough,motion aggravation21
Paroxysmal cough21
Paroxysmal cough,long coughs31
Cough short21
Cough with sneezing31
Spasmodic cough22
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Tormenting cough21
Violent cough22
Whooping cough22
Copious expectoration21
Difficult expectoration21
Mucous expectoration23
Ropy expectoration21
Stringy expectoration21
Heart affections33
Anxiety in chest22
Region of heart anxiety31
Sensation as if heart would cease23
Chest constriction,tension,tightness23
Chest constriction as from a band32
Chest middle constriction31
Sternum constriction31
Chest fullness22
Hepatization of lungs22
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)22
Lungs inflammation33
Infant lung inflammation32
Lung neglected inflammation31
Chest murmurs21
Chest oppression22
Chest pain22
Chest pain after dinner31
Chest pain,motion amelioration31
Chest pain,respiration31
Chest sides pain21
Behind sternum pain31
Heart pain22
Chest boring pain21
Chest burning pain21
Chest burning pain extending upward31
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Chest sore pain,exercising31
Chest sore pain,respiration31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation during menses31
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation32
Sensation of lung paralysis31
Phthisis pulmonalis,last stage31
Spasms of diaphragm32
Chest stagnation of blood22
Sensation of weakness about the heart31
Wanting appetite21
Desires coffee21
Desordered stomach22
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling22
Stomach emptiness extending to heart33
Acrid eructations21
Empty eructations21
Eructations,food regurgitation21
Sour eructations22
Waterbrash during pregnancy31
Sensation of stomach fullness22
Stomach gurgling21
Sensation of stomach hanging down,relaxed21
Stomach heat flushes22
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression22
Stomach heaviness after eating31
Violent hiccough31
Sensation of lump in stomach22
Nausea,night on waking32
Deathly nausea33
Nausea,drinking amelioration32
Nausea,after eating amelioration32
Nausea during headache32
Nausea during menses31
Nausea with suppresed menses31
Nausea during perspiration32
Nausea during pregnancy31
Nausea with salivation33
Nausea after sleep32
Nausea after smoking32
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain,evening31
Stomach pain during chill31
Stomach pain from coughing31
Stomach pain after eating31
Stomach pain while fasting31
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain22
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach pressing pain after eating32
Stomach pressing pain as from a weight31
Retching with cough31
Stomach sinking22
Sinking extending to heart33
Stomach tension22
Stomach uneasiness21
Vomiting on coughing31
Vomiting after eating31
Vomiting during headache32
Vomiting on motion32
Paroxysmal vomiting33
Vomiting during pregnancy31
Violent vomiting31
Vomiting warm food31
Bile vomiting with headache32
Blood vomiting21
Food vomiting21
Food vomiting after hot food31
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Abdomen distension21
Movements in abdomen21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching while walking31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain,morning31
Abdomen cutting pain21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Relaxed abdomen feeling21
Abdomen retractation21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Constipation,soft stool31
Rectum dragging,heaviness,weight21
Haemorrhage from anus21
Rectum pain after stool31
Frequent stool21
Stool,offensive odor31
Pasty stool21
Soft stool21
Watery stool22
Kidneys pain21
Kidneys stitching,stinging,sticking pain21
Urethra anterior part itching21
Urethra aching pain21
Urethra aching after urination31
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Cloudy urine on standing31
Red urine21
Dark red urine32
Deep-red urine31
Copious urine (increased)21
Scanty urine21
Brown sediment in urine21
Pink sediment in urine21
Red sediment in urine22
Brick-dust red sand in urine33
Thick sediment in urine21
Male genitalia heaviness21
Uterus dropsy22
Female genitalia heaviness21
Genitalia heaviness during menses31
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea22
Copious leucorrhoea22
Copious leucorrhoea,serum-like discharge from anus and vagina33
Thin watery leucorrhoea22
Copious menses21
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea21
Scanty menses21
Suppressed menses21
Bearing-down,uterus and its region21
Uterus bearing-down pain during menses31
Rigidity of os during labor21
Back coldness (including chill)22
Coldness extending down back32
Back pain22
Back pain when breathing31
Back pain during menses32
Back pain on motion31
Dorsal region pain21
Scapulae pain31
Right scapula pain31
Right scapula pain,bending forward aggravation31
Under right scapula pain,bending forward32
Between scapulae pain31
Between scapulae rheumatic pain31
Dorsal spine pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Sacral region pain22
Sacral reg.pain during menses32
Coccyx pain21
Back aching pain21
Between scapulae aching pain31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Back burning pain21
Under right scapula burning pain31
Sacral region cutting pain31
Between scapulae drawing pain31
Between scapulae pressing pain31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Sacral region soreness,bruised,beaten32
Sacral soreness,sensitive to touch of clothing32
Spinal irritation,sacral region32
Back weakness (tired feeling in spine)21
Fingers tips coldness31
Calf cramps31
Calf cramps, morning on waking31
Calf cramps on waking31
Hands dryness31
Heel itching31
Upper limbs pain when touched31
Shoulder pain31
Right shoulder pain31
Right then left shoulder pain31
Right deltoid region pain31
Elbow pain31
Elbow rheumatic pain31
Knee pain31
Knee pain,motion amelioration31
Right knee rheumatic pain31
Leg pain while sitting31
Upper arm aching31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Leg tearing pain32
Calf tearing pain31
Sensation of upper limbs paralysis31
Sensation of hand paralysis31
Palm perspiration31
Knee stiffness31
Fingers tingling,prickling,asleep31
Extremities trembling21
Extremities weakness21
Deep sleep21
Heavy sleep21
Sleep during perspiration21
Sleepiness during headache31
Difficult waking31
Anxious dreams21
Dreams of being shot31
Coldness in general21
Coldness, 10:30 a.m.31
Coldness, 10 to 11 a.m.31
Coldness at 11 a.m.31
Coldness at noon33
Coldness at 14 p.m.31
Chilliness at noon31
Coldness descending21
Chill,drinking aggravation22
Quotidian chill21
Coldness shaking,shivering,rigors22
Heat in general21
Heat alternating with chill21
Heat alternating with chill,afternoon31
Heat alternating with shivering31
Fever,drinking cold water amelioration31
Shivering alternating with heat31
Heat then sweat31
Yellow fever21
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration, night21
Cold perspiration22
Cold perspiration, night31
Profuse perspiration21
Profuse perspiration,night32
Eruption,rhus poisoning31
Skin prickling23
At 2 p.m.31
General physical anxiety21
Collapse after vomiting31
Convulsions,diarrhoea amelioration31
Convulsions with tetanic rigidity32
Physical exertion aggravation22
Flushes of heat21
Flushes of heat with chilliness31
Heaviness, internally32
Motion amelioration31
Pains appear gradually21
Burning pain,externally31
Burning pain,internally32
Stitching pain,externally32
Stitching outward pain32
Stitching pain outward to tips of fingers32
Prickling externally22
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable31
Frequent and intermittent pulse31
Frequent and small pulse31
Intermittent pulse31
Irregular pulse31
Irregular and slow pulse31
Slow pulse32
Small pulse32
Soft pulse32
Weak pulse31
Tension, internally31