Aurum muriaticum


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Ailments after anger,vexation32
Desire of company31
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind,in open air amelioration31
Delusion that he has every disease32
Complaints from fright21
Indolence,aversion to work22
Loathing for life32
Changeable,variable mood31
Ailments after mortification22
Restlessness,open air amelioration32
Restlessness,walking in open air amelioration31
Sadness,mental depression23
Sadness after abuse of mercury33
Starting from sleep31
Starting on waking as if suffocated31
Suicidal disposition23
Thinking of complaints aggravation31
Wepping,tearful mood21
Aversion to mental work21
Vertigo,night,on going to bed amelioration31
Vertigo,open air amelioration31
Vertigo,while lying amelioration31
Vertigo from motion21
Vertigo on stooping21
Vertigo while walking21
Vertigo while walking in the open air31
Vertex coldness31
Hair falling32
Head heat22
Head heat,midnight31
Head sides heat31
Head right side heat,evening31
Head periosteum inflammation32
Forehead itching31
Motions of head (shaking,nodding,waving,etc)21
Nodding of head31
Sensation of head numbness21
Headache,morning on rising31
Headache,cold applications amelioration31
Pulsating headache31
Headache on rising from lying31
Headache amel.from washing head in cold water31
Forehead left side pain31
Forehead pain,morning31
Forehead pain,open air amelioration31
Forehead pain on motion31
Forehead pain from stooping31
Forehead pain extending to ears31
Left frontal eminence pain31
Frontal eminence pain extending to supra-orbital foramen31
Above eyes headache31
Above right eye headache31
Above eyes pain,warm applications amelioration32
Above eyes pain extending to ear31
Left temple pain31
Headache,left temple to right31
Temples pain,morning on rising31
Temples pain,cold water amelioration31
Temples pain during menses31
Temples pulsating pain31
Burning headache21
Forehead burning pain21
Occiput burning pain31
Drawing headache21
Forehead drawing pain21
Temples drawing pain21
Temples drawing pain extending to vertex31
Vertex stitching pain on stooping31
Headache,tearing,rending pain21
Tearing headache,in bed amelioration31
Tearing headache,warmth of bed amelioration31
Over eyes tearing pain31
Over eyes tearing pain,open air amelioration31
Temples tearing pain21
Left temple to right tearing pain31
Temples tearing pain extending to ear31
Forehead pulsating21
Agglutinated eye,morning31
To close eyes is difficult31
Eyes dryness21
Scaly herpes on margins of lids31
Lachrymalis fistula32
Hair falling from eyebrows21
Eye inflammation21
Eye acute inflammation31
Eye syphilitic inflammation31
Cornea inflammation32
Iris syphilitic inflammation32
Lids margins inflammation32
Eye itching21
Outer canthus itching31
Lids itching31
Opacity of cornea22
Eye pain21
Left eye pain31
Eye pain,open air aggravation31
Eye pain,covering eyes with hand amelioration32
Eye pain from light32
Eye periodic pain31
Eye pain,warmth amelioration32
Eye boring pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Outer canthus burning pain31
Pain drawing the eyeball backward31
Eye pressing pain,night in open air31
Eye pressing pain in open air31
Eye pressing pain,light aggravation31
Eye pressing pain,periodical31
Eye stitching pain21
Eye tearing pain21
Eye tearing pain,covering with hand amelioration31
Eye tearing pain on looking at the light32
Eye tearing pain,periodic31
Optic nerve paralysis,amaurosis32
Pupils insensible to light31
Eye redness21
Lids redness32
Spasms of ciliary muscle31
Defective accomodation21
Slow accomodation32
Dim vision22
Dim vision,candlelight31
Loss of vision (blindness)22
Loss of vision by artificial light31
Loss of vision during parturition31
Loss of vision while reading31
Sudden loss of vision31
Weak vision22
Ear redness32
Ear scurfy eruption31
Scabby eruption behind ears31
Sensation of ear hollowness21
Itching behind ear31
Itching behind ear,night32
Noises in ear,music amelioration32
Buzzing in ear22
Ringing in ear21
Roaring in ear22
Ear meatus seems open21
Ear pain21
Right ear pain31
Pain above the ear21
Burning pain behind the ear31
Burning pain behind ear,night31
Drawing pain in ear21
Drawing pain in right ear31
Stitching pain in ear21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Sensation of stopped ear,left31
Acute hearing,music amelioration32
Impaired hearing21
Lost hearing22
Nose cancer22
Nose caries22
Nose catarrh22
Post nasal catarrh31
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Coryza with discharge,night31
One-sided coryza31
Cracks in nostrils32
Cracks in nose wings31
Nose desquamation21
Nose blood discharge32
Yellow crusts in nose31
Dry yellow crusts in nose31
Nose excoriating discharge32
Nose greenish discharge31
Nose dry,hard discharge32
Nose offensive discharge32
Nose purulent discharge32
Nose purulent discharge,sudden31
Nose watery discharge32
Nose yellow discharge32
Nose yellowish-green discharge32
Nose redness31
Nose left side redness31
Epistaxis from blowing the nose32
Hardness of nose wings31
Nose inflammation21
Nose bones inflammation32
Nose itching21
Nose inside itching31
Nose inside itching,right then left side31
Nose lupus22
Lupus on nose wing32
Nose obstruction22
Sensation of nose obstruction32
Syphilitic ozaena32
Pain in nose22
Nose burning,smarting pain21
Nose pressing pain22
Sore bruised pain in nose bones32
Nose inside sore bruised pain32
Nose left side tearing pain31
Nose bones tearing pain32
Sunken nose in infants32
Nose swelling23
Nose right side swelling31
Nose left side swelling32
Nose left side shining red swelling31
Nose inside ulcers33
Nose left side ulcers32
Lips cancer32
Face lupus31
Caries of face bones21
Lower jaw caries32
Cracked middle of lower lip31
Pale face,red in spots32
Red face22
Red lips32
Enlarged submaxillary32
Face eruption21
Lips eruption31
Eruption on nose wings31
Face rosacea acne32
Face erisipelas21
Nose erysipelas31
Excoriated lips21
Face exostosis22
Right cheek bone exostosis32
Old looking face32
Falling of whiskers21
Lips indurations31
Mouth corners indurations31
Lips itching31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face pain after mercury31
Face pain after shaving31
Submaxillary gland pain32
Face burning pain after shaving31
Face digging pain21
Parotid gland sore,bruised pain32
Face stitching pain21
Face swelling22
Face glands swelling31
Lips swelling32
Parotid glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands painful swelling31
Face twitching21
Lips ulcers32
Lips cancerous ulcers32
Mouth aphthae21
Biting sensation21
Tongue cancer32
Condylomata on tongue32
Bluish gums31
White gums31
Red tongue32
Yellow tongue32
Mouth dryness21
Tongue dryness31
Gums fistula22
Tongue induration32
Mouth inflammation21
Gums inflammation31
Tongue inflammation31
Tongue inflammation with induration32
Mouth itching21
Gums pain in spots31
Mouth burning,raw and smarting pain21
Tongue pain as if excoriated31
Gums sore pain31
Watery saliva31
Stiff tongue21
Bad taste31
Insipid taste31
Metallic taste31
Wanting taste,loss of taste31
Wanting tastelessness of food31
Mouth syphilitic ulcers32
Gums ulcers31
Palate ulcers32
Palate syphilitic ulcers33
Tongue ulcers31
Tongue warts32
Looseness of teeth21
Jerking toothache21
Twitching toothache21
Sensitive,tender teeth21
Sensitive,tender incisors31
Throat catarrh21
Throat redness31
Throat heat after cough31
Throat inflammation22
Sensation of lump or plug in throat21
Throat pain21
Throat scraping21
Throat scratching21
Throat syphilitic affection23
Throat ulcers22
Tonsils ulcers32
As from dust (larynx and trachea)21
Larynx inflammation21
Tickling in the air passages21
Tickling in larynx31
Tickling in trachea31
Deep voice31
Abdominal respiration22
Anxious respiration21
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration during night31
Difficult respiration on ascending32
Difficult respiration as from dust31
Difficult respiration after exertion32
Difficult respiration,standing31
Impeded,obstructed respiration21
Cough, 6 p.m.31
Cough, night21
Barking cough21
Loud barking cough31
Cough,breathing being deficient31
Dry cough21
Dry cough,night31
Dry cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough as from dust21
Hard cough21
Loose cough21
Paroxysmal cough,night31
Roughness in larynx causes cough21
Cough short21
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Threads of blood mixed with white sputa31
Thick expectoration21
White expectoration21
Yellow expectoration21
Sensation of chest adhesion21
Heart affections33
Angina pectoris23
Anxiety in chest22
Region of heart anxiety32
Chest catarrh22
Chest,clothing aggravation21
Chest congestion after uterine haemorrhage33
Chest constriction,tension,tightness22
Chest dropsy22
Fatty degeneration of heart23
Chest fluttering22
Chest fluttering alternating with soreness31
Heart fullness33
Heart fullness on ascending stairs31
Hypertrophy of heart22
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)22
Endocardium inflammation32
Endocardium rheumatic inflammation32
Lungs inflammation31
Chest murmurs22
Chest oppression21
Oppression,clothing aggravation31
Heart oppression33
Heart oppression,ascending stairs33
Heart oppression,deep respiration31
Chest pain23
Chest pain during inspiration31
Chest pain while standing31
Chest sides pain21
Heart pain22
Heart rheumatic pain31
Heart aching pain31
Heart boring pain31
Heart boring pain,pressure amelioration31
Ckavicle burning pain31
Heart burning pain31
Chest bursting pain22
Crushing behind sternum on ascending23
Heart cutting pain31
Region of heart cutting pain31
Chest drawing pain21
Chest sides drawing pain31
Drawing pain in the heart31
Chest pressing pain,inspiration31
Chest pressing pain,standing31
Sternum pressing pain33
Behind sternum pressing pain33
Behind sternum pressing pain when ascending33
Heart pressing pain33
Heart pressing pain,ascending stairs33
Region of heart sore bruised pain32
Chest pain as from sprain21
Chest pain as from sprain,standing31
Chest stitching pain22
Chest stitching pain,inspiring31
Chest stitching pain during motion31
Heart stitching pain31
Heart stitching pain,night31
Heart stitching pain,deep inspiration aggravation31
Heart stitching pain,motion aggravation31
Heart stitching pain,pressure of hand amelioration31
Heart stitching pain during sleep31
Chest tearing pain21
Chest tearing pain on inspiration31
Chest stitching pain,motion31
Chest side tearing pain31
Chest right side tearing pain31
Chest right side then left tearing pain31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation,anxiety32
Heart palpitation on ascending steps32
Heart palpitation after excitement32
Heart palpitation,exertion32
Heart palpitation after fright32
Heart palpitation,thinking of it32
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation32
Heart palpitation from vexation32
Heart palpitation while walking33
Heart palpitation,walking rapidly33
Sycotic phthisis pulmonalis32
Sensation of weakness about the heart32
Diminished appetite21
Wanting appetite21
Stomach distention after eating31
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Foul eructations21
Putrid eructations21
Stomach fullness after eating31
Stomach inflammation21
Stomach irritation21
Nausea before breakfast31
Nausea after eating31
Nausea,after eating amelioration31
Nausea while fasting31
Stomach pain after eating31
Stomach pain,stooping31
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain22
Stomach cutting pain21
Stomach drawing pain21
Stomach drawing pain,drinking31
Stomach drawing pain while eating31
Stomach paroxysmal drawing pain31
Stomach drawing pain,stooping aggravation31
Stomach drawing pain extending into chest31
Stomach drawing pain extending to sternum31
Stomach gnawing pain21
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach pressing pain,stooping aggravation31
Stomach stitching pain21
Extreme thirst31
Blood vomiting21
Fluid green vomiting32
Water vomiting21
Abdomen bubo21
Abdomen bubo after suppressed gonorrhoea31
Abdomen constriction21
Abdomen distension21
Abdominal dropsy,ascites22
Enlarged liver32
Enlarged spleen32
Hard liver32
Hard pancreas31
Hypogastrium heat31
Umbilicus heat31
Umbilicus itching31
Liver and region of liver21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching,must bend double31
Abdomen aching,eating amelioration31
Abdomen aching,motion amelioration31
Hypochondria burning pain31
Right hypochondrium burning pain32
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen drawing pain21
Abdomen drawing pain,drinking amelioration31
Abdomen drawing pain,eating amelioration31
Abdomen drawing pain,motion amelioration31
Abdomen drawing pain,stool amelioration31
Abdomen gnawing pain21
Hypochondria pressing pain22
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Tabes mesenterica21
Condylomata, rectum22
Constipation,difficult stool32
Diarrhoea, night31
Diarrhoea after eating31
Rectum excoriation21
Excoriation of perineum21
Rectum fistula23
Flatus, afternoon31
Haemorrhage from anus21
Haemorrhage from anus during stool31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum burning pain during diarrhea31
Rectum tenesmus21
Urging to stool21
Watery stool21
White stool21
Bladder tenesmus21
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)22
Urging to urinate,night32
Constant urging to urinate22
Frequent urging to urinate22
Frequent urging to urinate,night and day32
Involuntary urination21
Night involuntary urination (incontinence in bed)31
Involuntary urination in old people32
Bladder weakness21
Kidneys pain21
Prostatic fluid emission with stool31
Prostate gland enlargement22
Urethra acrid discharge21
Urethra gleety discharge21
Urethra gleety discharge,morning31
Gonorrhoeal discharge21
Gonorrhoeal discharge in syphilitics33
Urethra heat21
Urethra itching21
Urethra pain during urination31
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Urethra stitching pain on standing31
Acrid urine21
Albuminous urine23
Albuminous urine during pregnancy32
Albuminous urine after scarlet fever32
Albuminous urine in syphilitics33
Burning or hot urine21
Cloudy urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Milky urine22
Urine offensive odor21
Urine putrid odor22
Scanty urine22
Sand in urine21
Brick-dust red sand in urine31
Urine specific gravity increased21
Thick urine21
Male genitals condylomata22
Penis oozing condylomata31
Glans condylomata32
Prepuce condylomata32
Scrotum condylomata22
Troublesome erections21
Excessive erections22
Frequent erections22
Penis itching21
Glans itching32
Spermatic cords drawing pain21
Testes drawing pain22
Testes paroxysmal drawing pain31
Testes drawing pain extending to inguinal ring31
Increased sexual passion31
Testes swelling21
Penis ulcers21
Penis chancres33
Penis flat ulcers31
Prepuce ulcers33
Scrotum ulcers22
Displacement of uterus21
Enlarged uterus22
Female genitalia eruptions21
Female genitalia eruption before menses31
Female genitalia eruption during menses31
Female genitalia pimples31
Genitalia pimples before menses31
Female genitalia pustules31
Genitalia pustules before menses31
Vagina heat21
Uterus induration31
Uterus cervix induration32
Uterus inflammation22
Vagina inflammation21
Female genitalia itching22
Female genitalia burning itching32
Vagina itching22
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea22
Gonorrhoeal leucorrhoea22
Leucorrhoea before menses21
Yellow leucorrhoea22
Acrid,excoriating menses21
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Short duration menses21
Suppressed menses22
Female genitalia burning pain22
Uterus prolapsus21
Female genitalia redness21
Sensitive female genitalia22
Swollen female genitalia21
Back pain21
Cervical reg.pain while sitting31
Dorsal region pain21
Lumbar region pain21
Back aching pain21
Back burning pain21
Back cutting pain21
Cervical drawing pain while sitting31
Dorsal region drawing pain31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar soreness on stooping31
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Lumbar region stitching,shooting pain31
Lumbar stitching pain,stinging32
Back prickling21
Back stiffness21
Dorsal region tension31
Lumbar region tension31
Lumbar region weakness31
Caries of lower limbs31
Extremities coldness22
Between fingers cracked skin32
Tips of fingers cracked skin32
Lower limbs cracked skin32
Feet cracked skin32
Between toes cracked skin31
Sole cramps31
Toes redness32
Extremities boils31
Extremities petechiae31
Wrist blotches31
Lower limbs boils31
Nates boils31
Nates blood boils31
Thigh boils31
Between toes excoriation31
Extremities exostoses21
Tibia exostoses32
Extremities fullness21
Ganglion on wrist21
Knee heat31
Foot periosteum inflammation32
Upper limbs itching31
Palm itching,burning31
Thumb itching31
Thumb itching,burning31
Upper limbs jerking31
Limbs convulsive motion31
Upper limbs convulsive motion31
Upper limbs pain21
Shoulder pain31
Palm pain31
Thigh pain32
Thigh paroxysmal pain32
Thigh pain extending to knee32
Thigh pain extending downward32
Thigh anterior part pain32
Foot pain32
Limb joints aching,caries31
Upper limbs burning pain31
Forearm burning pain31
Hand burning pain31
Back of hand burning pain31
Foot burning pain31
Sole burning pain31
Toes burning pain32
Thigh cutting pain32
Toes cutting pain31
Toes cutting pain when walking31
First toe cutting pain while walking31
Extremities drawing pain21
Shoulder drawing pain31
Shoulder drawing,in bed aggravation31
Upper arm drawing pain31
Elbow drawing pain31
Ball of hand drawing31
Palm drawing pain31
Joints gnawing pain,caries in joints32
Thigh shooting31
Thigh shooting extending downward31
Sore bruised leg31
Sore bruised leg while walking31
Sore bruised tibia32
Sprained upper limb31
Sprained forearm31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Forearm stitching pain31
Wrist stitching pain31
Wrist stitching pain,grasping anything31
Thigh stitching pain32
Thigh stitching extending downward32
Knee stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain while sitting31
First toe stitching pain32
First toe stitching when stepping32
Extremities tearing pain21
Upper limbs tearing pain21
Upper limbs tearing extending to fourth finger31
Shoulder tearing pain31
Upper arm tearing extending to fingers31
Forearm tearing pain31
Forearm tearing extending to finger tips31
Second finger tearing pain31
Second finger tearing after sinner31
Thumb joints tearing pain31
Lower limbs tearing pain22
Nates tearing extending downwards31
Hip tearing pain31
Hip tearing pain,drawing31
Thigh tearing pain32
Thigh tearing extending downward32
Knee tearing pain31
Leg tearing pain31
Leg paroxysmal tearing pain31
Leg tearing pain extending downward31
Calf tearing pain31
Calf paroxysmal tearing pain31
First toe tearing pain31
Sensation of shoulder paralysis31
Sensation of left shoulder paralysis31
Sensation of shoulder paralysis after rising31
Extremities perspiration21
Extremities cold perspiration31
Upper limbs shocks31
Upper limbs stiffness31
Forearm stiffness31
Hand stiffness31
Fingers stiffness31
Lower limbs stiffness32
Thigh stiffness31
Knee stiffness31
Joints swelling32
Upper limbs oedematous swelling31
Wrist swelling31
Hand swelling,endocarditis32
Lower limbs swelling31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Knee swelling31
Knee painful swelling31
Leg swelling32
Tibia swelling32
Ankle swelling31
Foot swelling31
Foot oedematous swelling32
Toes swelling32
Toes red swelling32
Wrist tension31
Wrist tension on bending31
Hand trembling31
Hand trembling,morning31
Extremities weakness21
Comatose sleep21
Sleepiness during work31
Sleeplessness after mental exertion32
Sleeplessness from palpitation32
Yawning after eating31
Anxious dreams21
Frightful dreams21
Coldness in general21
Heat in general21
Hectic fever21
Cold perspiration22
Perspiration,offensive odor31
Profuse perspiration22
Crusty eruptions32
Dry crusty eruption33
Crusty yellow eruption31
Dry eruption33
Crusty herpetic eruption32
Syphilitic condylomata31
Skin syphilitic fungus31
Skin ganglia21
Skin syphilitic ulcer32
Syphilitic warts31
2 a.m.31
Desire for open air33
Cold bathing amelioration32
Cancerous affections22
Glands cancerous affection32
Caries of bone22
Puerperal convulsions with blindness31
External dropsy22
Internal dropsy32
Full feeling externally21
Sensation of heat22
Glands indurations32
Bones inflammation32
Periosteum inflammation32
Inflammations of the glands31
Serous membrane inflammation32
Lying aggravation32
Lying on back aggravation31
Motion amelioration33
Bones tearing pain32
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable32
Frequent and small pulse32
Small pulse32
Aggravated while sitting22
Puffy swelling32
While walking fast aggravation32
While walking slowly amelioration33
Warm aggravation22
Warm air aggravation32
Becoming warm in open air aggravation32
Warm bed aggravation32
Warm room aggravation32
Warm wraps aggravation32