

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Ailments from bad news21
Cheerfulness while walking in open air31
Aversion to company21
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Thinks he is well31
Discontented with himself31
Dullness,open air amelioration31
Dullness,unable to think long31
Excitement after bad news31
Nervous excitment31
Excitment over trifles31
Exhilaration while walking in open air31
Indolence,aversion to work21
Irritability, forenoon31
Irritability,night after retiring31
Irritability from noise31
Weakness of memory for what he was about to do31
Morose, afternoon31
Easily offended21
Prostation of mind21
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness after eating31
Sadness,mental depression22
Sadness after eating32
Sensitive to noise31
Sensitive to the slightest noise31
Sensitive to voices31
Starting from sleep32
Talking in sleep31
Says he is well,when very sick21
Aversion to mental work21
Vertigo,morning,breakfast amelioration31
Vertigo,breakfast amelioration31
Vertigo,after eating amelioration31
Vertigo with nausea22
Vertigo on rising from bed31
Vertigo on stooping21
Forehead coldness31
Forehead coldness externally31
Head congestion,hyperaemia22
Head congestion after eating31
Head congestion during menses31
Congestion in forehead32
Vertex congestion33
Temples constriction31
Head fullness22
Head fullness,morning31
Head fullness,in open air amelioration31
Head fullness from mental exertion31
Head fullness on rising31
Forehaed fullness33
Occiput fullness31
Temple fullness31
Vertex fullness33
Vertex fullness after eating32
Hair painful when touched32
Head heat21
Forehead heat31
Occiput heat31
Head sides heat31
Head heaviness21
Forehead heaviness31
Temples heaviness31
Occiput itching31
Headache in general22
Headache,night on waking31
Headache from binding up the hair31
Headache,breakfast amelioration31
Headache,cold applications amelioration31
Headache after eating31
Headache,eructations amelioration31
Headache,heat amelioration31
Headache,heat of hand amelioration31
Headache,hot application amelioration31
Headache,lying on right side amelioration31
Headache while lying on left side31
Headache before menses32
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache from motion31
Headache on moving eyes31
Headache with pain in nape of neck31
Headache,external pressure aggravation31
Headache,external pressure amelioration32
Headache from raising head31
Headache,while reading aggravation31
Headache on rising from lying31
Headache after sleep31
Headache from touch31
Headache,violent pains31
Headache amel.from washing head in cold water31
Headache while lying on back31
Brain pain from touch31
Forehead pain22
Forehead right side pain31
Forehead pain,morning on waking31
Forehead pain,night31
Forehead pain,night on waking31
Forehead pain with cold forehead32
Forehead pain,heat amelioration31
Forehead pain while lying31
Forehead pain while lying on back31
Forehead pain,lying on right side amelioration31
Forehead pain,luing on left side aggravation32
Forehead pain before menses31
Forehead pain during menses31
Forehead pain on motion31
Forehead pain,after rising amelioration32
Forehead pain after sleep31
Forehead pain,warm application amelioration31
Above eyes headache31
Above right eye headache31
Above eyes pain,afternoon31
Above eyes pain,afternoon on motion31
Above eyes pain during motion31
Occiput pain22
Occiput pain,morning on rising31
Occiput pain,cold application amelioration31
Occiput pain after sleep31
One side headache21
Sides headache before menses31
Temples pain22
Temples pain,evening31
Temples pain on motion31
Temples pain extending to occiput31
Headache,vertex pain22
Vertex pain while lying on left side32
Vertex pain,touch aggravation31
Headache,vertex and forehead pain21
Temples burning pain31
Cutting,darting,stabbing headache21
Forehead cutting pain31
Vertex drawing pain21
Vertex drawing pain,evening before going to bed31
Forehead dull pain32
Head left side dull pain32
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing pain,morning on rising31
Pressing headache on rising31
Forehead pressing pain22
Occiput pressing pain21
Occiput pressing pain on rising from bed31
Temples pressing pain21
Vertex pressing pain21
Vertex pressing pain after eating32
Head shooting pain extending from within outward31
Forehead shooting pain21
Forehead shooting pain extending to occiput31
Occiput shooting pain21
Occiput shooting forward pain32
Occiput shooting pain extending to forehead32
Head left side shooting pain32
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure22
Vertex sore bruised pain21
Head sides stitching pain21
Stunning,stupefying headache21
Headache,tearing,rending pain21
Tearing headache before menses31
Forehead tearing pain22
Forehead tearing pain before menses32
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing21
Head pulsating on waking31
Forehead pulsating21
Vertex pulsating21
Head shaking sensation21
Head shaking sensation during menses31
Head trembling sensation21
Head trembling sensation during menses31
Head weakness21
Head weakness after mental exertion31
As if cold air blew in eyes31
Eye condylomata21
Eyelid condylomata31
Iris condylomata32
Eye discharges,morning31
Heat in lids31
Lids heaviness31
Lids heaviness,evening31
Eye inflammation22
Eye catarrhal inflammation,night32
Eye scrofulous inflammation32
Eye syphilitic inflammation32
Conjunctiva inflammation32
Cornea inflammation32
Iris inflammation32
Iris syphilitic inflammation32
Lids inflammation32
Canthi itching31
Inner canthus itching32
Outer canthus itching31
Lachrymation,looking steadily31
Opacity of cornea22
Eye pain22
Eye pain,cold air aggravation31
Around the eyes pain32
Outer canthus pain extending around eyebrows31
Canthi burning pain31
Eye pain as from foreign body21
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Eye sore pain,evening31
Eye stitching pain21
Eye stitching pain extending backward31
Eye stitching pain extending inward31
About eyes stitching pain31
About the eyes stitching pain,encircles31
Inner canthus stitching pain32
Outer canthus stitching pain31
Irregular pupils31
Lids redness31
Eye sensitive to cold air31
Swollen lids31
Weak eye21
Weak eye,noon31
Weak eye during menses32
Dim vision22
Dim vision before menses31
Weak vision22
Ear yellowish green discharges32
Right ear scurfy eruption31
Sensation of ear fullness21
Itching in ear21
Itching in right ear31
Hard lumps behind ear21
Noises in ear,evening31
Noises in ear after eating31
Ringing after dinner31
Roaring in ear22
Roaring after dinner31
Roaring after eating31
Rushing noise in ear21
Ear pain21
Ear pain while eating31
Stitching pain in ear22
Ear quivering21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Nose catarrh21
Post nasal catarrh31
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Nose blood discharge31
Nose burning discharge32
Nose excoriating discharge31
Nose thick discharge31
Nose watery discharge31
Nose yellow discharge31
Yellow discharge from posterior nares31
Dirty yellow discharge from posterior nares31
Discharge from posterior nares31
Posterior nares dryness32
Posterior nares dryness,night31
Epistaxis,dark,black blood31
Epistaxis from blowing the nose31
Epistaxis during headache32
Nose root heaviness31
Nose itching21
Pain in nose22
Pain in nose root31
Nose pressing pain22
Nose bones pressing pain31
Nose dorsum pressing pain as from spectacles32
Nose root pressing pain32
Nose bones tingling31
Forehead coldness31
Cracked corners of the mouth31
Bluish circles around eyes31
Face eruption21
Lips eruption31
Upper lip eruption31
Lips crusty or scabby eruption32
Face circinatus herpes31
Lips pustules32
Face syphilitic eruption22
Face erisipelas21
Face heat22
Zygoma pain31
Zygoma pressing pain32
Face stinging pain22
Swelling under eyes31
Parotid glands swelling32
White tongue31
White tongue,morning31
Mouth dryness22
Mouth dryness,night32
Mouth dryness with thirst31
Mouth heat21
Mouth heat,night31
Mouth inflammation22
Mouth viscid mucus31
Tongue root pain on swallowing31
Palate burning pain31
Palate contracting pain31
Mouth sore pain21
Palate sore pain31
Frothy saliva31
Gluey saliva31
Viscid saliva31
Bad taste31
Bitter taste31
Bitter taste,morning31
Metallic taste32
Putrid taste32
Palate ulcers32
Tongue ulcers31
Mouth right side edge ulcers31
Tongue tip ulcers31
Mouth vesicles21
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Sensation of large and swollen teeth21
Right molars pain31
Right upper bi-cuspid pain31
Right teeth pain31
As if teeth would fly to pieces on biting together21
Sore bruised toothache21
Teeth feel soft21
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat dryness22
Throat dryness,night32
Throat dryness on waking32
Throat fullness22
Throat heat,night31
Throat inflammation22
Throat inflammation,night32
Throat mucus22
Mucus drawn from the posterior nares31
Throat tenacious mucus32
Throat pain21
Throat pain,night32
Throat pain on swallowing31
Throat pain on empty swallowing32
Throat pressing pain21
Sore throat,morning31
Constant disposition to swallow22
Disposition to swallow from fullness in throat32
Throat ulcers22
External throat pimples32
External throat sides pain31
External throat sides pain on turning head31
External throat spots21
Cervical glands swelling31
Tickling in larynx31
Tickling in or from throat-pit31
Larynx ulceration22
Arrested respiration,midnight31
Difficult respiration with heat31
Croupy cough21
Croupy cough,evening31
Dry cough21
Dry cough while lying31
Dry cough,sitting amelioration31
Cough,lying aggravation21
Paroxysmal cough,sitting up amelioration31
Cough short21
Short cough,sitting up amelioration31
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough from tickling in throat-pit31
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest redness,clotches31
Chest redness spots31
Chest spots31
Chest eruptions22
Chest pimples31
Chest oppression21
Oppression,midnight on waking31
Oppression after eating31
Oppression on waking32
Chest pain while walking31
Clavicle pain21
Chest anterior part burning pain,scratching aggravation31
Heart cutting pain,evening31
Region of heart cutting pain31
Chest sore pain,inspiring31
Region of heart sore bruised pain31
Chest stitching pain21
Chest stitching pain while walking31
Sternum stitching pain,walking31
Chest pulsation21
Heart trembling31
Heart trembling,evening in bed31
Diminished appetite,morning31
Increased appetite,hunger in general23
Wanting appetite21
Wanting appetite,evening31
Aversion to food21
Desires cold drinks21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Empty eructations21
Stomach heat flushes21
Stomach heat flushes,night in bed31
Stomach heat flushes extending to head31
Stomach heat flushes extending upwards31
Nausea,eructations amelioration31
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain21
Stomach uneasiness21
Mucus vomiting21
Abdomen bubo23
Abdomen distension22
Abdomen flatulence21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen flashes of heat31
Liver and region of liver21
Abdomen aching before menses31
Abdomen aching during menses31
Abdomen aching,after stool amelioration31
Hypochondria aching dull pain22
Right hypochondrium aching31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain before menses32
Abdomen cramping pain during menses32
Abdomen cramping pain,after stool amelioration31
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Umbilicus sore bruised pain,tenderness21
Reg.of umbilicus sore,bruised pain,tenderness31
Abdomen sides stitching pain,sitting amelioration31
Abdomen sides stitching pain while walking31
Abdomen tearing pain before menses32
Abdomen tearing pain during menses31
Hypochondria pulsation21
Left hypochondrium pulsation31
Abdomen sides pulsation while walking31
Abdomen restlessness,uneasiness21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen tension,morning31
Condylomata, rectum23
Diarrhoea, night32
Diarrhoea before menses32
Diarrhoea during menses31
Painless diarrhoea31
Itching eruption about anus31
Pimples about anus32
Formication in anus22
Anus itching21
Anus itching,evening in bed31
Rectum prolapsus during stool32
Bloody stool21
Mucous slimy bloody stool32
Mucous green stool32
Soft stool21
Retention of urine21
Frequent urination21
Frequent urination, night31
Kidneys pain22
Kidneys pain,night31
Kidneys aching pain21
Region of kidneys drawing pain21
Kidneys sore bruised pain21
Kidney stitching pain, 4 a.m.31
Urethra gleety discharge22
Gonorrhoeal discharge22
Chronic gonorrhoeal discharge32
Gonorrhoeal discharge in syphilitics31
Urethra greenish discharge22
Urethra chronic greenish discharge32
Urethra greenish yellow discharge32
Urethra white discharge21
Urethra chronic white discharge31
Urethra pain during urination32
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain,night31
Urethra pinching pain21
Meatus pinching pain21
Urethra soreness during urination31
Meatus redness21
Urethra stricture21
Albuminous urine21
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Cloudy urine21
Copious urine (increased)21
Copious urine with headache32
Copious urine before menses31
Blennorrhoea of glans22
Male genitals condylomata22
Male genitals condylomata bleed easily32
Male genitals fetid condylomata,bleeding when touched32
Penis condylomata23
Penis bleeding condylomata32
Penis burning condylomata32
Penis fan shaped condylomata33
Penis oozing condylomata32
Glans condylomata32
Prepuce condylomata33
Penis fraenum condylomata33
Troublesome erections,evening31
Violent erections21
Violent erection,evening31
Male genitals eruption21
Glans eruption32
Glans shining red points32
Prepuce eruption31
Scrotum herpetic eruption31
Testes induration22
Glans inflammation33
Prepuce inflammation33
Penis itching21
Glans itching33
Prepuce itching33
Penis jerking in penis21
Jerking in penis during sleep31
Glans burning pain31
Glans burning pain,itching31
Male genitalia pressing downwards pain31
Penis stitching pain21
Glans stitching pain31
Glans tearing pain31
Scrotum perspiration between thighs31
Phimosis with suppuration32
Paraphimosis,gangrene threatening32
Prepuce redness33
Increased sexual passion32
Easy excitement of sexual passion31
Granular spots on penis31
Red spots on penis31
Spots on glans31
Suppuration under the prepuce23
Penis swelling22
Glans swelling32
Prepuce swelling33
Penis twitching22
Penis ulcers22
Penis chancres33
Penis elevated ulcers32
Penis hard ulcer33
Glans ulcers32
Prepuce ulcers32
Bloody leucorrhoea21
Copious leucorrhoea21
Purulent leucorrhoea21
Yellow leucorrhoea21
Late menses21
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea21
False labor pains32
Prolonged labor pains31
Cervical region pimples31
Back pain21
Back pain,morning31
Back pain,night31
Back pain when breathing31
Back pain before menses31
Back pain on motion31
Back pain,external warmth amelioration31
Cervical region pain22
Cervical reg.right side pain on turning head31
Cervical reg.pain on bending backward31
Cervical pain extending to occiput32
Cervical pain extending to occiput when head is bent back31
Dorsal spine pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Sacral region pain21
Spine pain21
Back aching pain21
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching, morning31
Cervical region pain as if dislocated21
Lumbar region drawing pain31
Lumbar drawing pain,night31
Lumbar drawing pain extending to legs31
Lumbar drawing pain extending to thighs31
Cervical pressing pain,rising from bed31
Back soreness,bruised,beaten21
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Sacral region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Spinal irritation,cervical region31
Cervical region as if sprained pain31
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Back tearing pain21
Back tearing pain,night31
Back tearing pain on motion31
Back tearing pain,warmth of stove amelioration31
Lumbar region tearing pain31
Cervical region tension31
Upper limbs chilliness31
Legs chilliness31
Joints coldness31
Hands coldness31
Foot coldness31
Toes coldness31
Hand contraction31
Cracking in shoulder31
Cracking in elbow31
Upper limbs orange colored31
Fingers joints discoloration31
Extremities brownish scurfs31
Upper limbs eruption21
Upper limbs brownish scurfs31
Upper limbs vesicles eruption31
Upper arm eruption31
Elbow red eruption31
Forearm eruption31
Palm scurfy tetters31
Fingers pustules31
Hollow of knee pustules32
Tibia exostoses32
Joints fullness31
Upper limbs heaviness31
Extremeities itching21
Upper limbs itching31
Upper limbs itching in bed31
Wrist itching31
Palm itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching, night31
Thigh itching31
Between thighs itching31
Thigh inner side itching32
Knee itching31
Knee itching, night31
Calf itching31
Lower limbs jerking31
Lower limbs jerking,evening31
Lower limbs jerking during sleep31
Leg jerking during sleep31
Knees knocked together after fright31
Limbs lameness23
Joints lameness31
Upper limbs lameness32
Thigh lameness31
Thigh lameness on walking31
Knee lameness31
Knee lameness while walking31
Upper limbs difficult motion31
Upper limb numbness31
Left upper limb numbness31
Upper limbs numbness, 8 p.m.31
Elbow numbness31
Forearm numbness31
Left forearm numbness31
Forearm numbness,motion amelioration32
Forearm numbness extending to end of little finger31
Knee numbness31
Foot numbness31
Extremties pain21
Limbs pain, morning31
Limbs pain, night31
Limbs wandering,shifting pain31
Limb bones pain31
Joints pain32
Joints gouty pain32
Joints pain after walking31
Joints wandering pain32
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limbs pain,motion31
Upper limbs pain,supinating forearm31
Upper limbs pain,warmth amelioration31
Upper limbs joints pain while writing31
Left shoulder pain31
Upper arm pain31
Hand pain while writing31
Second finger pain31
Fourth finger pain31
Thumb pain31
Hip pain31
Thigh pain, night31
Thigh pain,drawing up legs amelioration31
Thigh pain,jerking31
Knee pain32
Knee pain, noon31
Knee rheumatic pain32
Right knee rheumatic pain31
Knee pain on walking32
Leg pain31
Leg pain, evening31
Leg pain,jerking31
Tendo achillis pain32
Tendo achillis pain while walking32
Tendo achillis pain after walking31
Calf pain after walking31
Heel pain31
Heel pain while walking31
First toe rheumatic pain31
Upper arm aching31
Forearm aching31
Thigh aching31
Thigh aching, night31
Sensation as if upper arm would break31
Upper limbs drawing pain31
Lower limbs drawing pain31
Hip drawing pain31
Hip drawing,walking amelioration31
Hip drawing extending downward31
Thigh drawing pain31
Thigh drawing,drawing up legs amelioration31
Leg drawing,drawing up limb amelioration31
Foot pressing pain31
Upper limbs shooting31
Upper limbs periodical shooting31
Second finger shooting31
Hip shooting31
Thigh shooting31
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised right upper arm31
Sore bruised elbow31
Sore bruised ankle31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Second finger stitching pain31
Lower limbs stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain during stool31
Thigh stitching pain31
Thigh stitching pain,night32
Thigh stitching extending downward31
Knee stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain while walking31
Knee inner side stitching pain31
Upper limbs tearing pain21
Upper limbs tearing while writing31
Forearm tearing pain31
Forearm tearing,warmth of stove amelioration31
Forearm tearing while writing31
Thigh tearing pain31
Leg tearing pain32
Sensation of extremities paralysis31
Between thighs perspiration32
Between thighs corrosive perspiration31
Between thighs offensive perspiration32
Between thighs perspiration while walking32
Sensation of separated upper limbs21
Sensation of separated upper limbs while writing31
Sensation as if short left lower limb31
One leg shorter than the other leg31
Leg shuddering,shivering31
Upper limbs swelling31
Joints thrilling31
Leg twitching during sleep31
Ulcers on tibia32
Extremities weakness21
Extremities weakness,morning31
Lower limbs joints weakness31
Hip weakness31
Knee weakness31
Knee weakness after fright31
Knee weakness as if they would knock together31
Falling asleep,listening to conversation31
Restless sleep22
Sleepiness, morning31
Sleepiness, 11 a.m.while listening to a lecture31
Sleepiness after dinner31
Sleepiness after eating31
Sleepiness,warm room31
Sleeplessness, morning31
Sleeplessness,first part of night31
Sleeplessness from activity of mind,thoughts31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Frequent waking31
Dreams about accidents21
Amorous dreams21
Anxious dreams21
Disconnected dreams21
Dreams about spiders21
Dreams about spiders as large as an ox31
Unremembered dreams21
Vivid dreams21
Chilliness when in a warm room31
Chill with perspiration21
The more he sweats,the colder he becommes32
Coldness,warm room aggravation21
Coldness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove31
Heat, night22
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration, noon31
Cold perspiration increases the coldness of the body31
Perspiration during slight exertion21
Lower part of body perspiration31
Skin burning,night31
Condylomata bleeding32
Condylomata burning32
Fan-shaped condylomata32
Syphilitic condylomata32
Itching,scratching aggravation31
Itching,waling in open air31
Itching on becoming warm in bed31
Skin ulcer22
Skin burning ulcer31
Skin ulcer with elevated,indurated margins31
Skin fistulous ulcer32
Skin fungous ulcer31
Skin gangrenous ulcer32
Skin inflamed ulcer31
Skin ulcer,painful at night32
Skin ulcer,painful from warmth of bed31
Skin phagedenic ulcer31
Skin stinging,stitching ulcer32
Skin varicose ulcer31
Bleeding warts31
Afternoon amelioration31
Open air amelioration32
Cold aggravation21
Heat and cold31
External dropsy21
Flushes of heat upwards31
Lack of vital heat22
Motion aggravation22
Bones pain32
Bones pain in the night31
Pressing pain,externally31
Pain as from load31
Stitching pain,externally31
Perspiration gives no relief21
Pressure amelioration31
Frequent pulse, evening32
Slow pulse, forenoon31
Sluggishnesh of the body21
In summer21
Glands inflammatory swelling31
Touch aggravation22
Twitching during sleep31
Weakness on going to bed31
Weakness before eating31
Weakness as after exhiliration31
Weakness in hot room33
Weakness during menses32
Weakness,riding in open air amelioration31