Echinacea angustifolia.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind21
Is intolerant of contradiction31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Sadness,mental depression21
Sadness, afternoon31
Aversion to thinking22
Aversion to mental work21
Vertigo,moving the head31
Vertigo on turning or moving the head31
Occiput coldness31
Enlarged head sensation22
Head fullness21
Temple fullness32
Brain feels large31
Forehead pain,sneezing31
Above eyes headache31
Above left eye pain31
Above eyes pain,open air amelioration31
Above eyes pain when sneezing31
Occiput pain22
Temples pain21
Temples pain on motion32
Temples pain,pressure amelioration31
Temples pulsating pain32
Headache,vertex pain21
Vertex pain on motion31
Headache,dull pain22
Occiput dull pain32
Temples dull pain31
Temples pressing pain21
Temples shooting pain21
Lachrymation in cold air31
Lachrymation,looking steadily31
Eye pain21
Eye pain when looking steadiley at near objects31
Eye pain while reading32
Eye cutting pain21
Stitching pain in ear21
Nose sensitive to inhale air21
Constant inclination to blow the nose21
Sense of nose fullness21
Nose obstruction21
Nose rawness21
Pale face with headache32
Red face21
Face erisipelas22
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face left side pain31
Lower jaw pain31
Lips tingling31
White tongue31
White tongue,morning31
Mouth dryness21
Mouth mucus,slime,etc21
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain32
Tongue prickling31
Bad taste31
Bad taste,morning31
Metallic taste31
Stitching,stinging toothache21
Right teeth stitching pain31
Throat mucus21
Throat burning pain21
Sore throat21
Sore throat,left side31
Throat tingling21
Larynx irritation31
Mucus in larynx31
Scraping,clearing larynx22
Husky voice31
Chest fullness21
Chest pain21
Region of diaphragm pain21
Pectoral muscles pain21
Right lung pain31
Under sternum burning pain31
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Chest left side stitching pain31
Diminished appetite21
Wanting appetite21
Desires cold drinks22
Stomach distention21
Stomach distention,eructations do not ameliorate31
Eructations after eating31
Acrid eructations21
Eructations,food regurgitation21
Eructations tasting like food21
Sour eructations21
Sensation of stomach hanging down,relaxed21
Nausea,on lying down amelioration31
Stomach pain21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)22
Right hypochondrium aching31
Ilio-caecal region aching dull pain22
Umbilicus aching dull pain21
Umbilicus aching,bending double amelioration31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain,passing flatus amelioration32
Abdomen cutting pain21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Perineum soreness31
Perineum tension31
Yellow stool22
Frequent urging to urinate21
Involuntary urination22
Meatus biting pain during urination31
Urethra burning pain during urination32
Brown urine during menses31
Dark urine21
Pale urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Scanty urine21
Spermatic cords pain21
Right spermatic cord pain31
Testes sore,bruised pain21
Cervical region pain21
Between scapulae pain31
Between scapulae pain extending down arms31
Lumbar region pain22
Lumbar region pain, stooping32
Extremities coldness21
Shoulder pain32
Shoulder pain on motion31
Shoulder pain,external warmth amelioration31
Lower limbs pain21
Thigh pain31
Leg stitching pain31
Continued fever,typhus,typhoid23
Exanthematic fevers, scarlatina33
Puerperal fever23
Septic fevers23
Zymotic fevers23
Blackness of the external parts22
Inflammations, internally33
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable32
After vaccination21
Bites of poisonous animals32