Magnesia phosphorica


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Irritability during headache32
Sadness, morning31
Talks to himself31
Wepping,tearful mood21
Convulsive weeping32
Aversion to mental work21
Vertigo on exertion of vision32
Headache in general23
Headache at 10 p.m.31
Headache from becoming cold33
Headache,darkness amelioration31
Headache,heat amelioration33
Headache,hot application amelioration33
Headache from motion32
Headache,paroxysmal pains32
Headache,external pressure amelioration33
Hedache,hard pressure amelioration33
Headache from straining eyes31
Headache,sudden pains,and go suddenly31
Headache,wandering pains31
Headache,wrapping up head amelioration32
Forehead pain,warm application amelioration31
Above eyes headache31
Above right eye headache32
Above eyes pain at 11 a.m.31
Above eyes pain,warm applications amelioration32
Above eyes pain extending to face32
Occiput pain,dark amelioration31
Occiput pain,motion31
Occiput pain,pressure amelioration32
Occiput pain extending to head31
Headache,shooting pain21
Head shooting pain,moving head amelioration31
Head shooting pain,pressure amelioration31
Stitching headache21
Stitching headache on motion31
Over eyes stitching pain31
Over right eye stitching pain32
Headache,tearing,rending pain21
Tearing headache,heat amelioration31
Tearing headache,pressure amelioration31
Over eyes tearing pain31
Over right side tearing pain31
Head shaking sensation21
Head trembling sensation22
Eyeballs convulsive movement32
Eyeballs involuntary movement32
Eye pain22
Eye pain,pressure amelioration32
Eye pain,touch aggravation31
Eye pain,warmth amelioration32
Paralysis of upper lids32
Right lid paralysis31
Spasms of lids22
Convergent strabismus31
Lids twitching32
Defective accomodation,headaches32
Colors before the eyes22
Variegated colors21
Sparks during headache33
Ear pain22
Ear pain,warmth of bed and wrapping up amelioratipon32
Ear pain extending to side of neck32
Impaired hearing21
Nose redness31
Wanting smell,lost smell21
Bluish face21
Bluish face during cough32
Pale face22
Red face during cough31
Red face during headache31
Upper lip vesicles31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)23
Face right side pain32
Face pain,daytime31
Face pain, 11 a.m.31
Face pain, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.31
Face pain,2 p.m.31
Face pain,night32
Face pain,night,driving him out of bed32
Face pain,night during rest31
Face pain,open air aggravation21
Face pain alternating with pain in shoulder31
Face pain,cold air aggravation33
Face pain,cold applications aggravation33
Face pain from exposure to cold32
Face pain,draft aggravation32
Face pain while eating31
Face pain,light aggravation31
Face pain,motion amelioration31
Face pain,motion of lower jaw aggravation31
Face pain on opening the mouth31
Face periodical pain32
Face pain,pressure amelioration33
Face pain,sleep amelioration31
Face pain,touch aggravation31
Face wandering pain32
Face pain,warmth amelioration33
Face pain,wind aggravation31
Face pain,dry cold wind33
Below eye pain (infra-orbital)31
Face cramp-like pain22
Face lancinating pain23
Face right side lancinating pain32
Face stitching pain22
Face right side stitching pain32
Face tearing pain23
Face right side tearing pain32
Face tearing pain,pressure amelioration33
Face tearing pain,touch aggravation32
Face tearing pain,warmth amelioration33
Twitching around mouth31
Corners of mouth twitching31
Difficult speech32
Difficult speech from chorea32
Difficult speech,heaviness of tongue32
Stammering speech32
Thick speech32
Bitter taste32
Toothache,cold air22
Toothache in bed32
Toothache from anything cold32
Toothache from cold drinks31
Toothache from drinking32
Toothache after menses31
Toothache,nervous patients32
Toothache,pressure amelioration32
Rheumatic toothache32
Wandering toothache31
Toothache,warm drinks amelioration32
Toothache,warm things amelioration32
Toothache,external warmth amelioration33
Neuralgic toothache23
Stitching,stinging toothache22
Sensitive,tender teeth22
Teeth sensitive to air31
Choking,throat constricting22
Convulsive choking32
Choking on swallowing31
Choking on swallowing liquids32
Difficult swallowing liquids31
Laryngismus stridulus22
Asthma from flatulence31
Spasmodic asthma32
Paroxysmal respiration22
Paroxysmal sobbing32
Cough, night21
Cough, open air amelioration33
Choking cough21
Dry cough22
Cough,lying aggravation21
Paroxysmal cough21
Persistent cough21
Spasmodic cough21
Suffocative cough21
Cough on talking21
Cough with inability to speak31
Tight cough22
Violent cough21
Cough in a warm room31
Whooping cough21
Angina pectoris22
Chest constriction,tension,tightness22
Chest constriction during cough32
Chest pain22
Heart paroxysmal palpitation32
Heart spasms31
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite21
Aversion to coffee21
Eructations,food regurgitation22
Regurgitation while eating31
Regurgitation after eating31
Regurgitation immediately after eating32
Convulsive hiccough32
Hiccough during fever32
Violent hiccough32
Stomach pain22
Stomach heat,heat amelioration31
Stomach pain,pressure amelioration31
Stomach pain,warm applications amelioration33
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain23
Stomach cramping pain,warmth amelioration32
Retching with cough31
Incessant vomiting31
Abdomen flatulence22
Abdomen aching,must bend double32
Abdomen pain,bending double ameliorates32
Abdomen aching while lying on back31
Abdomen aching before menses32
Abdomen aching on motion31
Abdomen paroxysmal aching32
Abdomen aching,pressure amelioration32
Abdomen aching radiating33
Abdomen aching,warm drink amelioration32
Abdomen aching,warmth amelioration33
Abdomen cramping,griping pain23
Abdomen cramping pain,bending forward amelioration32
Abdomen cramping pain before menses32
Abdomen cramping pain during menses32
Abdomen cramping pain on motion31
Abdomen cramping pain,pressure amelioration32
Abdomen cramping pain before stool32
Hypogastrium cramping pain before menses32
Hypogastrium cramping pain during menses32
Abdomen drawing pain,warmth amelioration33
Diarrhoea after breakfast31
Rectum stitching pain22
Bladder neck constriction21
Cramp in bladder21
Bladder cutting pain before urination31
Retention of urine22
Bladder neck spasm21
Bladder neck spasm,spasmodic stricture31
Frequent urination22
Frequent urination, night31
Night involuntary urination (incontinence in bed)33
Urethra mucous discharge21
Colorless urine22
Copious urine (increased)21
Copious urine,night31
Phosphates in urine21
Ovaries inflammation21
Ovaries pain23
Uterus pain before menses32
Uterus pain,pressure amelioration32
Uterus cramping pain before menses32
Uterus cramping pain during menses32
Labor-like pain before menses32
Labor-like pain during menses32
Spasmodic labor pains31
Ovaries stitching pain22
Back pain21
Back pain,taking cold31
Back wandering pain32
Cervical reg.pain,afternoon31
Lumbar region pain22
Back boring pain21
Cervical region boring pain32
Back cramp-like pain22
Back cutting pain21
Back stitching,shooting pain22
Lumbar region stitching,shooting pain32
Awkwardness,stumbling when walking32
Fingers convulsive clenching31
Fingers clenching,epileptic convulsion32
Thumbs clenching31
Fingers contraction,epilepsy32
Fingers spasmodic contraction32
Extremities cramps after exertion31
Hand cramps31
Hand cramps while writing33
Fingers cramps,playing piano or violin32
Finger cramps while writing32
Leg cramps32
Leg cramps during labor31
Calf cramps32
Calf cramps in cholera32
Thumbs drawn inwards21
Upper limbs rash eruption31
Extremties pain21
Limbs neuralgic pain32
Limbs paroxysmal pain32
Limbs pain,pressure amelioration32
Extremities rheumatic pain31
Limbs wandering,shifting pain32
Limbs pain,warmth amelioration33
Joints pain, night amelioration32
Upper limbs pain22
Upper limbs paroxysmal pain32
Upper limbs pain,warmth amelioration32
Upper limbs pain while writing33
Upper arm pain32
Forearm pain32
Forearm pain while writing33
Wrist pain while writing33
Hand pain while writing33
Lower limbs pain22
Lower limbs pain, night32
Lower limbs pain in open air32
Lower limbs paroxysmal pain32
Lower limbs pain,pressure amelioration33
Sciatica,cold aggravation32
Sciatica,cold applications aggravation32
Sciatica,mental exertion31
Sciatica,motion aggravation31
Sciatica,pressure amelioration33
Sciatica,standing amelioration31
Sciatica,come and go suddenly32
Sciatica,touch aggravation32
Sciatica,uncovering limb32
Sciatica,warmth amelioration33
Sciatica,warmth of bed amelioration32
Lower limbs wandering pain31
Lower limbs pain,warmth of bed amelioration32
Lower limbs pain extending downward31
Hip pain extending to feet31
Upper limbs drawing while writing33
Forearm drawing pain32
Forearm drawing while writing33
Lower limbs shooting,warm bed amelioration32
Extremities,from playing the piano21
From playing violin,extremities31
Lower limbs stiffness32
Upper limbs tension31
Upper limbs tension while writing33
Forearm tension31
Forearm extensors tension while writing33
Extremities trembling22
Upper limb trembling on slight motion32
Hand trembling32
Gressus gallinaceus31
Infirm walking32
Spasmodic yawning32
Coldness,exercise in open air amelioration31
Coldness after stool31
Heat with shivering22
Draft aggravation32
Bathing aggravation32
Cold bathing aggravation33
Cold aggravation23
Cold air aggravation33
Becoming cold32
Constriction, internally33
Constriction,sensation of a band32
Clonic convulsions32
Epileptic convulsions32
Puerperal convulsions31
Convulsions with tetanic rigidity32
Tonic convulsions31
Convulsive movements22
Cold drinks aggravation32
Lack of vital heat23
Motion aggravation22
From onanism21
Pains appear and disappear suddenly31
Small spots pain31
Jerking pain,externally32
Radiating pain32
Wandering pain32
Paralysis agitans22
Pressure amelioration33
Touch aggravation23
Trembling externally21
Uncovering aggravation23
Walking aggravation22
Walking in open air aggravation33
Warm bed amelioration32
Warm stove amelioration33
Wet weather32
Windy and stormy weather32