Onosmodium virginicum.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Absorbed,buried in thought22
Abstraction of mind22
Anxiety with fear31
Confusion of mind23
Exaggeration of time31
Fear something will happen32
Forgetful of words while speaking32
Irresolution in his acts33
Weakness of memory for what he was about to do32
Weakness of memory for what has just done32
Weakness of memory for what has read32
Weakness of memory for what is about to say32
Mistakes in speaking31
Mistakes in writing31
Mistakes in writing,comitting letters31
Indisposed to talk,desire to be silent,taciturn31
Rapid,quick thoughts31
Time passes too slowly31
Head fullness21
Head fullness,eating amelioration31
Head fullness,after sleep amelioration31
Head heaviness21
Headache,darkness aggravation31
Headache from any jar31
Headache from looking fixedly at anything33
Headache while lying31
Headache,lying in a dark room aggravation31
Headache from straining eyes32
Forehead pain extending backward31
Forehead pain extending to neck31
Frontal eminence pain31
Left frontal eminence pain31
Above eyes headache31
Above left eye pain31
Above eyes pain in the dark31
Above eyes pain during motion31
Occiput pain23
Occiput pain,dark aggravation31
Occiput pain while lying32
Headache,occiput and forehead pain21
Occiput and forehead pain,morning on waking33
Headache behind the ears31
Temples pain21
Left temple pain31
Temples pain in the dark31
Temples cutting pain31
Left temple cutting pain31
Occiput pressing pain22
Occiput pressing pain extending upward31
Sensation of eyes enlargement21
Heat in eye21
Lids heaviness31
Open lids32
Desire to keep eyes wide open31
Sensation as if eyes were wide open31
Left eye pain31
Eye pain while reading32
Eye aching pain21
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Right pupil contracted31
Eye veins redness31
Stiffness of eyeballs21
Eye tension21
Defective accomodation21
Slow accomodation32
Blurred vision21
Dim vision21
Aggravation by exertion of vision23
Vision illusions22
Objects seem large32
Raises his foot high in stepping over small objects33
Ear dryness22
Singing in ear21
Impaired hearing21
Impaired hearing the human voice31
Posterior nares dryness31
Pain in nose bones31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face bones pain21
Cheek pain31
Face right side stitching pain31
Clammy mouth22
Mouth dryness21
Mouth dryness,thirstless31
Bitter taste31
Choking on swallowing31
Diposition to hawk21
Mucus drawn from the posterior nares31
Throat tenacious mucus31
Throat pain,cold drinks amelioration31
Throat pain,eating amelioration31
Throat pain on swallowing32
Throat rawness pain21
Throat rawness pain,eating amelioration31
Tickling in larynx31
Husky voice31
Cough, cold drinks amelioration31
Hacking cough21
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Viscid expectoration21
White expectoration21
Sensation as if heart would cease21
Nipples itching31
Chest oppression21
Heart pain21
Region of heart pain31
Mammae sore bruised pain31
Mammae swelling31
Diminished appetite21
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Increased appetite after siesta31
Aversion to water21
Desires cold drinks21
Eructations after eating31
Nauseous eructations21
Nausea after breakfast31
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen aching,on bending backward amelioration31
Abdomen pain on bending double31
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching,lying on back amelioration31
Abdomen aching as if menses would appear31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain21
Reg.of umbilicus aching,bending backward amelioration31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain,bending backward amelioration31
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Hypogastrium sore pain21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Urine specific gravity increased21
Coition,absent enjoyment31
Penis coldness22
Penis glans coldness32
Erections while lying on the back31
Wanting erections,impotency22
Too quick seminal discharge31
Nightly seminal emissions22
Wanting sexual passion32
Aversion to coition21
Coition with enjoyment absent (female)21
Ovaries heaviness21
Female genitalia itching22
Genitalia itching from leucorrhoea32
Female genitalia itching,scratching aggravation31
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea22
Copious leucorrhoea22
Offensive leucorrhoea21
Yellow leucorrhoea21
As if menses would appear22
Copious menses21
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Protracted menses21
Ovaries pain21
Ovaries pulsating pain31
Pain extending from one ovary to the other31
Uterus pain21
Uterus pain,lying on back amelioration32
Ovaries aching pain21
Bearing-down,uterus and its region21
Uterus bearing-down pain,lying amelioration31
Uterus cramping pain21
Uterus cramping pain during menses31
Ovaries cutting pain21
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness21
Uterus sore pain,tenderness22
Ovaries pulsating22
Cervical region pain21
Dorsal region pain21
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar reg.pain,morning31
Lumbar region pain while walking31
Lumbo-sacral region pain23
Sacral region pain23
Lumbo-sacral region aching pain23
Calf formication31
Heaviness,tired limbs22
Upper limbs heaviness32
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs32
Leg heaviness,tired leg32
Limbs incoordination22
Upper limbs incoordiantion32
Lower limbs incoordiantion32
Extremities jerking21
Extremities jerking while lying on side31
Extremities jerking,side not lain on31
Upper limbs jerking31
Lower limbs jerking31
Extremities numbness22
Upper limb numbness32
Left forearm numbness31
Hand numbness32
Lower limbs numbness32
Knee numbness31
Hollow of knee numbness31
Leg numbness32
Left leg numbness31
Fingers joints pain31
Left hip pain31
Calf pain while walking31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling31
Ankle swelling31
Calf tingling31
Foot tingling,prickling,asleep31
Outer side of fourth toe tingling31
Upper limbs trembling31
Forearm trembling32
Hand trembling32
Leg weakness31
Leg weakness,evening31
Leg weakness,evening while walking31
Leg weakness while walking31
Skin formication21
Intolerance of clothing23
After eating amelioration32
Cold drinks amelioration32
Formication,external parts21
Heaviness, externally22
Heaviness, internally32
Jar,stepping aggravation22
Motion aggravation22
Small spots pain32
Pressing pain,internally31
Prickling externally21
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable31
Symptoms alternating sides31
Symptoms on the left side32
Trembling externally21
On waking23
On waking amelioration32