

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Answer, aversion to answer32
Disconnected answers31
Answers hastily31
Desire of company32
Confusion of mind23
Confusion of mind,morning31
Delusions, sees dead persons31
Delusion,sees faces31
Sees hideous faces31
Thought he was pursued by enemies31
Nervous excitment31
Fear something will happen31
Fear of being injured32
Motions of the hands to the face31
Abundant ideas and clearness of mind22
Laughing immoderately32
Sardonic laughing31
Silly laughing31
Active memory21
Weakness of memory21
Restlessness, night31
Tossing about in bed32
Sadness,mental depression22
Shrieking before convulsions31
Convulsive starting31
Starting on falling asleep31
Unconsciousness, morning31
Unconsciousness, evening31
Wepping,tearful mood22
Paroxysmal weeping31
Tendency to fall forwards31
Vertigo while lying31
Vertigo while walking in the open air31
Anaemia of the brain22
Head coldness,chilliness,etc21
Head coldness,evening31
Head congestion,hyperaemia22
Distension of bloodvessels of the head21
Head drawn backward21
Head fullness22
Head fullness,afternoon31
Scalp itching21
Jerking of the head21
Jerking of the head backwards31
Jerking of the head backwards and forwards31
Jerking of the head from behind forward31
Motions of head forward31
Headache in general21
Headache at 4 p.m.31
Headache at 8 p.m.31
Headache with pain in neck31
Headache with pain in nape of neck32
Pulsating headache31
Headache from stooping31
Forehead pain21
Forehead pain,morning31
Above eyes pain,evening31
Occiput pain22
Occiput pain,daytime31
Occiput pain,extending down back32
Occiput pain extending to ears31
Occiput pain extending to eyes31
Headache,occiput and forehead pain21
Temples pain21
Bursting headache while stooping31
Forehead bursting pain31
Drawing headache21
Headache,dull pain22
Pressing headache as if in armor31
Pressing headache like a cap31
Stitching headache21
Occiput stitching pain21
Occiput stitching pain extending to nape of neck31
Temples stitching pain21
Vertex stitching pain21
Scalp perspiration21
Temples pulsating,morning31
Sensation of skull-cap21
Closed eyes21
Conjunctiva full of dark vessels31
Eyeballs rolling movement31
Eyes spasmodic openness32
Eye pain21
Eye pain,morning31
Eye pain,evening31
Eye pain,8 p.m.31
Eye aching pain21
Eye aching pain,morning31
Eye boring pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain22
Eye burning pain,afternoon31
Eye burning pain,night31
Eye contracting eye,morning31
Pain drawing the eyeball backward31
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Eye sore pain,evening31
Eye stitching pain21
Eye protrusion21
Pulsation in upper lids31
Pupils dilated (mydriase)32
Eye redness21
Restless eyes21
Stiffness of eyeballs21
Sunken eye21
Swollen eye21
Eye turned outward31
Eye turned upward31
Eye turned upward to right31
Weak eye21
Wild look21
Black sparks31
Green color before the eyes21
Red sparks31
White sparks31
Confused vision21
Dim vision21
Foggy vision21
Large field of vision21
Ear formication21
Sensation of ear fullness21
Ear fullness,afternoon31
Ear heat21
Ear heat,10 p.m.31
Itching in ear,night31
Burning itching in ear31
External ear itching31
Noises in ear21
Cracking noise in ear21
Humming in ear22
Roaring in ear21
Roaring with vertigo31
Ear pain,afternoon31
Ear pain, night31
Pain behind ear21
Pain inside the ear (meatus)21
Aching pain behind ear31
Boring pain in ear21
Boring pain in left ear31
Left ear burning pain31
Ear burning pain,noon31
Ear burning pain,afternoon31
Ear burning pain,night31
Burning pain in ear meatus31
Ear digging pain21
Left ear digging pain31
Ear soreness21
Stitching pain in ear21
Stitching pain behind the ear31
Ear tingling21
Ear tingling at noon31
Acute hearing22
Nose itching21
Nose burning,smarting pain21
Nose inside tingling31
Face coldness21
Face congestion22
Face convulsions,spasms21
Black face21
Bluish face22
Bluish face with convulsions31
Bluish lips32
Pale face21
Red face21
Face distortion23
Mouth distortion31
Anxious expression22
Distressed expression31
Frightened expression31
Suffering expression31
Face heat21
Hippocratic face21
Face itching,night31
Lower jaw pain31
Jaw articulation pain32
Face stitching pain22
Face paralysis21
Face perspiration21
Chin pulsation31
Risus sardonicus21
Face muscles stiffness21
Lower jaw stiffness33
Face swelling21
Tension of lower jaw skin32
Jaw trembling31
Face twitching21
Purple tongue31
Froth,foam from mouth21
Froth,foam,during convulsions32
Tongue heat31
Open mouth21
Mouth difficult to open31
Tongue erect papillae21
Protruded tongue21
Difficult speech31
Difficult speech from spasm in throat31
Wanting speech31
Bad taste31
Bitter taste31
Constant inclination to clinch teeth together21
Upper teeth pain31
Left upper teeth pain31
Toothache before midnight31
Stitching,stinging toothache22
Choking,throat constricting21
Choking on swallowing31
Throat dryness21
Sensation of lump or plug in throat21
Oesophagus burning pain31
Throat spasms,spasmodic constriction,convulsions,etc23
Throat spasms on swallowing31
Throat stiffness21
Suffocative sensation21
Difficult swallowing33
Throat swelling21
External throat constriction22
External throat sides stitching pain31
Stiffness of neck sides22
Neck left side stiffness32
External throat sides swelling31
External throat veins swelling31
Lost voice31
Weak voice31
Arrested respiration during convulsions32
Catching breath21
Deep respiration21
Difficult respiration23
Difficult respiration during convulsions31
Intermittent,unequal respiration21
Irregular respiration22
Dry cough21
Explosive cough21
Spasmodic cough21
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest constriction during deep respiration31
Chest convulsions21
Chest fluttering21
Chest fluttering,morning31
Chest fluttering after faintness31
Chest oppression21
Oppression after eating31
Chest paroxysmal pain31
Reg.of heart pain,respiration31
Chest burning pain21
Chest cutting (sudden sharp pain)21
Chest lower part cutting pain31
Chest stitching pain21
Mammae stitching pain31
Right mamma stitching pain31
Mammae stitching pain extending to back31
Lower part of chest left side stitching pain31
Left mamma tearing pain31
Heart palpitation21
Heart sudden palpitation32
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation31
Chest perspiration22
Bitter eructations21
Empty eructations21
Stomach heat flushes21
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression22
Stomach jerking22
Stomach jerking on opening the mouth31
Nausea at noon31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain extending to heart31
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain21
Stomach stitching pain21
Extreme thirst31
Stomach twisting21
Stomach twitching21
Forcible vomiting31
Vomiting like coffee grounds21
Water vomiting21
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on22
Flatulence,obstructed abdomen31
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen aching,dull pain22
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching, 7 p.m.31
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on32
Right hypochondrium aching31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain23
Hypogastrium cramping,griping pain22
Abdomen cutting pain23
Abdomen cutting pain,morning31
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Right hypochondrium cutting pain31
Hypochondria cutting pain,night31
Abdomen dragging,bearing down pain23
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Hypochondria stitching pain,morning31
Inguinal region stitching pain21
Hypochondria pulsation,morning31
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen rumbling,forenoon31
Abdomen rumbling, 7 p.m.31
Rumbling as if diarrhoea would come on32
Hypochondria tension21
Diarrhoea, night32
Gurgling in rectum21
Involuntary stool during convuldion31
Rectum pressing pain21
Rectum stitching pain21
Rectum stitching pain,night31
Rectum electric-like shock21
Copious stool21
Watery stool21
Bladder neck stitching,stinging pain22
Bladder neck stitching pain extending to end of penis31
Bladder paralysis22
Bladder paralysis after over-distension31
Constant urging to urinate23
Involuntary urination during convulsions31
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain while walking31
Urethra stitching pain21
Brown urine like beer31
Testes induration21
Penis pain21
Spermatic cords pain21
Left spermatic cord pain31
Sides of scrotum burning pain31
Testes swelling21
Vagina stitching pain21
Uterus tearing pain21
Shocks in uterus on falling asleep21
Back coldness (including chill)22
Coldness extending down back31
Spine coldness31
Spine coldness extending down31
Back pain from exertion32
Back pain after walking31
Cervical region pain21
Cervical reg.pain,forenoon31
Cervical reg.paroxysmal pain32
Cervical pain extending down the back31
Cervical pain extending to shoulders31
Lumbar region pain22
Lumbar reg.pain,morning32
Lumbar region rheumatic pain31
Lumbar pain extending down the legs31
Spine pain21
Back aching pain21
Back aching pain on motion31
Back rheumatic aching pain31
Back aching pain after walking31
Lumbar region aching pain22
Lumbar reg.aching,afternoon31
Lumbar reg.aching,evening31
Lumbar reg.aching,standing31
Lumbar reg. aching,walking31
Back cutting pain21
Back left side cutting pain31
Cervical region cutting pain31
Dorsal region cutting pain31
Lumbar region cutting pain31
Back gnawing pain21
Back jerking pain on attempting to open mouth31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar soreness,morning on rising32
Back stitching pain,afternoon31
Cervical stitching shooting pain32
Cervical stitching pain,afternoon31
Cervical stitching pain extending to ear31
Cervical stitching pain extending to lumbar region31
Cervical stitching pain extending to sacrum31
Cervical stitching pain extending to shoulder31
Lumbar region stitching,shooting pain32
Lumbar stitching pain extending down legs31
Back tearing pain21
Back tearing pain,morning31
Back stiffness22
Back stiffness,morning31
Back stiffness, standing31
Back stiffness,walking31
Cervical region stiffness32
Back twitching21
Back twitching on opening the mouth31
Dorsal region twitching32
Abducted lower limbs31
Fingers clenching22
Fingers clenching when seizing something31
Fingers clenching,stretching out arms31
Closed fingers21
Extremities coldness21
Shoulder coldness31
Hands coldness31
Hands coldness,blue hands31
Lower limbs coldness21
Leg coldness32
Foot coldness31
Contraction of palm31
Fingers contraction,grasping31
Lower limbs contraction31
Extremities convulsion23
Extremities clonic convulsion33
Extremities convulsion interrupted by painful shocks31
Upper limbs convulsion33
Upper limb clonic convulsion31
Hand convulsion32
Hand clonic convulsion32
Hand convulsion,taking hold of something31
Lower limbs convulsion33
Lower limb painful convulsion31
Leg convulsion31
Hand cramps31
Palms cramps31
Thigh cramps31
Leg cramps31
Calf cramps31
Foot cramps31
Sole cramps32
Toes cramps31
Hand blueness31
Hand lividity31
Violet fingers31
Violet-colored toes31
Extremities drawn upwards21
Extended arms31
Extended arms during paroxysms31
Difficult extension of legs31
Legs extension during paroxysm31
Flexed upper limbs31
Upper limb flexed spasmodically31
Extremities formication21
Extremities formication after convulsion31
Upper limbs formication31
Finger tips formication31
Lower limbs formication31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Upper limbs itching31
Palm itching31
Fingers itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Sole of foot itching31
Extremities jerking,paralyzed parts32
Upper limbs jerking32
Upper limbs jerking on falling asleep32
Loss of power of limbs motion31
Upper limbs motion toward face31
Hands motion toward face31
Hand numbness31
Left hand numbness31
Thumb numbness31
Extremties pain22
Upper limbs pain21
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder pain, evening31
Shoulder pain, 7 p.m.31
Shoulder rheumatic pain31
Upper arm pain31
Upper arm pain, afternoon31
Upper arm pain, evening31
Upper arm pain, night31
Upper arm posterior part pain31
Elbow pain31
Elbow pain, 5 p.m.31
Forearm rheumatic pain31
Wrist pain31
Hand pain31
Hand rheumatic pain32
Palm pain31
Fingers pain32
Tips of fingers pain31
Fourth finger pain31
Thumb pain31
Thumb pain, evening31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain, noon31
Thigh pain, evening31
Thigh pain, night31
Thigh rheumatic pain31
Thigh inner side pain above knee31
Knee pain31
Knee rheumatic pain31
Leg pain32
Leg rheumatic pain31
Tibia pain while walking31
Calf pain31
Ankle pain31
Ankle pain while walking31
Foot pain31
Foot rheumatic pain31
Foot pain while walking31
Toes pain31
First toe pain, evening31
Wrist aching, morning31
Tibia aching31
Tibia aching while walking31
Ankles aching31
Sole aching31
Upper limbs cutting pain31
Wrist cutting pain31
Hand cutting pain31
Thumb cutting pain31
Thigh cutting pain32
Kneee cutting pain31
Calf cutting pain31
Ankle cutting pain31
First toe cutting pain31
Upper limbs drawing pain31
Leg drawing pain31
Thigh gnawing pain31
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore bruised shoulder31
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised upper arm,evening31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Upper arm stitching pain31
Upper arm stitching pain,evening31
Elbow stitching pain31
Thigh inner side stitching,afternoon31
Knee stitching pain31
Foot stitching pain31
Sole stitching pain31
Heel stitching pain31
Toes stitching pain31
Tips of toes stitching pain31
Upper limbs tearing pain21
Extremities restlessness21
Extremities shaking after faintness31
Leg shaking31
Shoulder stiffness31
Hand stiffness32
Fingers stiffness31
Lower limbs stiffness32
Lower limbs stiffness,descending stairs31
Lower limbs stiffness,paroxysms31
Hip stiffness32
Thigh stiffness32
Thigh stiffness while walking32
Thigh anterior muscles stiffness32
Knee stiffness33
Knee stiffness,morning31
Knee stiffness while sitting31
Knee stiffness,sore31
Foot stiffness31
Toes stiffness31
Stretched lower limbs31
Upper limbs swelling31
Wrist swelling31
Leg tension31
Leg thrilling31
Extremities tingling,prickling,asleep21
Upper limbs tingling,prickling,asleep31
Hand tingling,prickling,asleep31
Palm tingling31
Fingers tingling,prickling,asleep31
Foot tingling,prickling,asleep31
Sole tingling31
Toes tingling31
Hand trembling31
Knee trembling31
Leg trembling32
Upper limbs twisting sensation21
Extremities twitching23
Extremities twitching,night in bed31
Extremities twitching in bed31
Extremities lightning-like twitching31
Extremities paralyzed parts twitching32
Upper limbs twitching31
Upper limbs twitching,night on falling asleep31
Shoulder twitching31
Forearm twitching31
Hand twitching31
Leg twitching31
Leg twitching,night31
Foot twitching31
Knee unsteadiness31
Sensation of cold water dripping from elbow31
Extremities weakness21
Shoulder weakness31
Lower limbs weakness31
Knee weakness31
Leg weakness31
Sleepiness, 11-30 a.m.31
Yawning, afternoon31
Unpleasant dreams21
Coldness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove31
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration after convulsions31
Perspiration after shuddering21
Convulsions on closing a door31
Convulsions with consciousness31
Convulstions,draft aggravation33
Epileptic convulsions32
Epileptiform convulsions32
Convulsions,forcible extension of body amelioration31
Convulsions interrupted by painful shocks31
Convulsions,motion aggravation32
Convulsions from noise31
Sudden convulsions31
Convulsions with tetanic rigidity32
Convulsions when touched32
Jerking on going to sleep32
Paralyzed parts jerking32
Electric-like shocks32
Convulsions interrupted by painful electric-like shocks31
Electric-like shock on going to sleep32
Trembling externally22
Twitching here and there32
Twitching on going to sleep32
Twitching,subsultus tendinum32
Twitching,touch aggravation32
Weakness after convulsions31
Weakness after excitement31