

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind21
Fear of insanity31
Fear of paralysis31
Irritability during headache33
Weakness of memory22
Weakness of memory for dates31
Weakness of memory for proper names31
Mistakes in calculating21
Restlessness during headache31
Slow speech31
Washing always her hands21
Hair falling31
Open fontanelles22
Headache from exposure to sun31
Syphilitic headache32
Forehead pain22
One side headache22
Temples pain,heat amelioration32
Headache,vertex pain21
Occiput cutting pain31
Occiput cutting pain,night33
Occiput lancinating pain31
Occiput lancinating pain,night31
Vertex pressing pain21
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure22
Agglutinated eye,night32
Right eye chemosis31
Coldness in eyes31
As if cold air blew in eyes31
Discoloration of iris21
Iris dullness31
Eruption about the eyes22
Eruption in canthi31
Heat in lids31
Eye inflammation21
Eye syphilitic inflammation32
Conjunctiva and cornea pustular inflammation32
Iris inflammation32
Iris rheumatic inflammation31
Iris syphilitic inflammation31
Inner canthus itching31
Eye pain,night32
Eye pain from light31
Inner canthus pain31
Eye aching pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye drawing pain,lamplight aggravation31
Eye pain as from sand21
Eye stitching pain extending inward31
Paralysis of upper lids32
Eyeball superior oblique paralysis32
Optic nerve paralysis,amaurosis31
Eye redness21
Edges of lids redness31
Spots,specks,etc,on the cornea22
Swollen lids31
Swollen upper lids32
Swollen margins of lids31
Acrid tears21
Right lid twitching31
Black spots31
Calcareous deposit on tympanum21
Ear discharges21
Ear excoriating discharges32
Ear purulent discharges31
Ear watery discharges32
Ear boils31
Ear pain21
Cutting pain in ear22
Lost hearing21
Coryza with discharge (fluent)32
Crusts,scabs inside nose31
Nose greenish discharge31
Nose offensive discharge31
Nose thick discharge31
Nose yellowish-green discharge31
Nose inside itching31
Nose inside itching,left side31
Nose obstruction21
Syphilitic ozaena32
Nose burning,smarting pain21
Nose wings burning pain31
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Nose protuberances21
Nose inside ulcers31
Nose septum round ulcers31
Chin eruption32
Nose eruption31
Face crusty,scabby eruption21
Chin crusty or scabby eruption31
Nose crusty or scabby eruption31
Face eczema22
Face papular eruption21
Face pimples21
Nose pimples33
Face syphilitic rash31
Red eruption on nose31
Face syphilitic eruption23
Face vesicles21
Face right side pain31
Face pain while eating31
Face pain while lying31
Face pain,lying on affected side aggravation31
Face pain,pressure amelioration31
Face paralysis21
Face spots21
Submaxillary glands swelling31
Submaxillary glands hard swelling31
Face twitching21
Palate blotches22
Dirty tongue31
Red tongue31
White tongue32
Indented tongue32
Tongue paralysis31
Protruded tongue21
Sweet saliva31
Tongue spasms21
Thick speech31
Putrid taste before epileptic fit31
Wanting taste,loss of taste31
Sensation of thick tongue21
Mouth ulcers,lardaceous base31
Mouth gangrenous ulcers31
Mouth syphilitic ulcers33
Palate ulcers,sloughing32
Palate syphilitic ulcers32
Ulcers on velum31
Teeth caries at edge of gums31
Black teeth21
Dwarfed teeth22
Teeth grinding21
Looseness of teeth sensation31
Mucus on teeth22
Left teeth pain31
Toothache from anything cold31
Toothache from masticating31
Toothache from warm drinks31
Jerking toothache21
Serrated teeth21
Enlargement of tonsils22
Throat fullness21
Throat mucous patches31
Throat burning pain22
Throat syphilitic affection21
Scraping,clearing larynx21
Larynx ulceration22
Hoarseness before menses31
Asthma during thunderstorm31
Difficult respiration, 1 to 4 a.m.32
Difficult respiration after eating31
Difficult respiration while lying31
Difficult respiration before thunderstorm31
Wheezing respiration22
Cough,morning,daybreak amelioration31
Cough, night22
Choking sensation from fauces to bifurcation of bronchia31
Cough after dinner31
Dry cough21
Dry cough,night31
Dry cough disturbing sleep31
Hard cough21
Hard cough,night31
Cough,lying on abdomen amelioration31
Cough,lying on right side31
Racking cough21
Cough from larynx scrapping31
Cough disturbing sleep31
Whooping cough21
Expectoration,ffels like a round ball and rushes into mouth21
Grayish expectoration21
Greenish expectoration21
Purulent expectorarion21
Thick expectoration21
White expectoration21
Yellow expectoration21
Chest feels drawn towards back21
Chest eruptions22
Chest herpes32
Chest rash eruption31
Chest oppression21
Behind sternum pain32
Chest burning pain during coughing31
Chest cutting pain,night32
Heart cutting pain31
Behind sternum pressing pain32
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Chest sore pain from coughing31
Mammae sore bruised pain31
Wanting appetite22
Aversion to meat22
Desires alcoholic drinks22
Extreme thirst31
Stomach ulcers21
Vomiting on coughing31
Inguinal region abscess31
Abdomen flatulence22
Swelling of the inguinal glands32
Rectum abscess21
Rectum constriction,contraction,closure21
Diarrhoea,morning,driving out of bed31
Rectum excoriation22
Rectum fissure21
Rectum fistula22
Haemorrhoids,touch aggravation31
Ulcerating haemorrhoids31
Anus itching21
Rectum moisture21
Rectum pain21
Rectum pain during stool32
Rectum soreness21
Sensitive rectum21
Rectum ulceration21
Acrid,corrosive,excoriating stool21
Orange yellow stool31
Urging to urinate,night31
Frequent urging to urinate21
Urination feeble stream (slow)21
Involuntary urination during pregnancy32
Seldom urination22
Kidneys pain extending to testes31
Meatus itching21
Scanty urine22
Spermatic cord induration22
Spermatic cords inflammation22
Male genitalia sore,bruised pain21
Scrotum swelling21
Glans ulcers31
Ovaries congestion22
Ovaries inflammation22
Female genitalia itching21
Female genitalia itching,morning31
Copious leucorrhoea22
Thick leucorrhoea21
Thin watery leucorrhoea21
White leucorrhoea21
Yellow leucorrhoea22
Bright-red menses21
Ovaries pain21
Right ovary pain31
Left ovary pain extending to right ovary31
Left ovary pain extending to small of back31
Ovary pain, night32
Ovaries pain extending to back31
Ovaries aching pain21
Left ovary aching pain31
Ovaries cutting pain21
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness21
Ovaries stitching pain21
Swollen ovaries21
Ovaries tumors21
Female genitalia ulcers21
Psoas abscess31
Curvature of cervical spine32
Curvature of dorsal spine32
Back maculae (syphilitic)31
Lumbar region heaviness31
Back pain from sunset to sunrise33
Back pain,night33
Back pain after urinating32
Cervical reg.pain,on bending backward amelioration31
Between scapulae pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar reg.pain during urinating31
Lumbar reg.pain,after urinating aggravation31
Coccyx pain21
Coccyx pain while sitting31
Cervical region aching pain22
Back spasms21
Cervical region stiffness32
Psoas abscess32
Contraction of muscles and tendons21
Hollow of knee contraction31
Sole contraction32
Sole cramps32
Upper limbs emaciation31
Leg emaciation31
Upper limbs boils31
Upper limbs eruption,elevations in spots31
Fingers eruption,elevated spots31
Leg eruption,elevation spots32
Between toes excoriation31
Fingers difficult extension21
Run-around felon31
Upper limbs lameness,raising the arm31
Palm numbness31
Sole of foot numbness31
Limbs pain, night31
Extremities rheumatic pain32
Upper limbs pain on raising arm31
Shoulder pain,raising the arm aggravation31
Upper arm pain,raising arm31
Lower limbs pain,morning amelioration31
Lower limbs pain before menses31
Sciatica, night32
Sciatica,motion aggravation31
Sciatica,walking amelioration31
Lower limbs pain,warmth of bed31
Hip pain, night31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain while standing31
Thigh anterior part pain31
Knee pain31
Leg pain32
Leg pain, night33
Leg pain,cold applications amelioration32
Leg pain,warmth of bed33
Leg bones pain33
Ankle rheumatic pain31
Foot pain32
Foot pain, night32
Back of foot pain31
Back of foot rheuamtic pain31
Back of foot pain extending to toes31
Sole pain while standing31
Toes pain32
Toes pain, night32
Extremities aching22
Knee aching31
Leg aching31
Toes feeling as if dislocation31
Sore bruised tibia32
Sore bruised sole31
Hip tearing pain32
Thigh tearing pain32
Thigh tearing,night in bed32
Thigh tearing,walking amelioration31
Wrist perspiration31
Second finger swelling31
Leg swelling32
Toes swelling31
Tibia tumors,osteosarcoma31
Back of hand ulcers31
Lower limbs varicose ulcers31
Thigh ulcers31
Leg ulcers31
Leg burning ulcers31
Ulcers on tibia32
Ankle ulcers32
Always washing her hands32
Hip weakness31
Knee weakness31
Sleeplessness after midnight32
Sleeplessness with sleepiness31
Dreams about disease21
Internal burning heat in the blood vessels32
Bluish skin31
Skin coppery spots31
Coppery eruption31
Dirty eruption31
Papular eruption32
Syphilitic eruption33
Skin burning ulcer31
Skin deep ulcer32
Skin shining ulcer31
Skin syphilitic ulcer32
Skin ulcer,warmth amelioration32
Sunset till sunrise32
6 p.m. to 6 a.m.32
Recurrent abscesses32
Epileptic convulsions32
Convulsions after menses31
Lying amelioration31
One-sided paralysis31
Lack of reaction22
Approach of a storm21
During storm31