Ptelea trifoliata.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Aversion to company21
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind,evening31
Confusion of mind,night31
Confusion of mind,ascending aggravation31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Forgetful on waking31
Irritability from noise31
Weakness of memory21
Weakness of memory for proper names31
Mistakes in writing31
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness on rising31
Sadness,mental depression21
Sadness,morning after waking31
Sensitive to noise31
Starting from noise31
Indisposed to talk,desire to be silent,taciturn31
Aversion to thinking21
Aversion to mental work21
Mental work impossible31
Vertigo from heat21
Vertigo from sudden motion31
Vertigo,moving the head32
Paroxysmal vertigo21
Vertigo on rising21
Vertigo on rising on a seat31
Vertigo during stool31
Vertigo on stooping21
Vertigo on turning or moving the head31
Vertigo while walking21
Vertigo in a warm room32
Vertigo while writing21
Head flashes of heat31
Head heaviness21
Occiput heaviness31
Head,as from intoxication21
Headache in general21
Headache,morning in bed31
Headache,morning on rising31
Headache at 1 p.m.31
Headache at 2 p.m.31
Headache at 5 p.m.31
Headache at 6 p.m.31
Headache at 9 p.m.31
Headache on ascending steps31
Headache,after dinner amelioration31
Headache from fasting31
Headache from becoming heated31
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache from motion31
Headache on moving arms31
Headache from noise31
Headache with pain in neck31
Pulsating headache31
Headache,while reading aggravation31
Headache from singing31
Headache after sleep31
Headache,after stool amelioration31
Headache from stooping31
Headache while walking31
Forehead pain21
Forehead left side pain31
Forehead pain,daytime31
Forehead pain,night31
Forehead pain from stooping31
Forehead pain extending to root of nose31
Above eyes headache31
Headache above right eye then left31
Above left eye pain31
Above eyes pulsating pain31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain at 1 p.m.31
Occiput pain,evening31
Occiput pain extending to forehead31
Occiput sides pain31
Occiput left side pain31
Headache,occiput and forehead pain21
One side headache alternating with pain in left arm31
Left side headache31
Sides headache,evening amelioration31
Temples pain21
Headache,right temple to left31
Headache,left temple to right31
Temples pain at noon31
Temples pain,afternoon31
Headache,vertex pain21
Headache,vertex and forehead pain21
Temples boring pain21
Right temple boring pain31
Bursting headache21
Bursting headache,mental exertion31
Bursting headache,motion of the eyes31
Bursting headache while stooping31
Cutting headache,afternoon31
Temples cutting pain31
Right temple cutting pain31
Headache as from a nail21
Headache as from a nail,morning on rising31
Pressing outward headache31
Forehead pressing pain21
Forehead pressing outward pain31
Temples pressing pain21
Vertex pressing inward pain31
Headache,shooting pain21
Head shooting pain,morning31
Head shooting pain while singing31
Temples shooting pain21
Over left eye stitching pain31
Temples stitching pain while walking31
Scalp perspiration during stool31
Forehead one-sided pulsating31
Forehead pulsating above eyes31
Eye pain22
Behind ear redness31
Ear eruption21
Ear moist eruption31
Ear vesicles31
Ear vesicles discharging water31
Ear purulent vesicles31
Ear white vesicles31
Ear white vesicles on red base31
Moist eruption behind ear31
Pustules behind ears31
Vesicles below ears31
Vesicles discharging water below ears31
Noises in ear21
Noises in ear,afternoon31
Noises in ear,evening31
Ringing in ear22
Roaring in ear21
Ear pain21
Ear pain while lying on right side31
Ear pain extending to forehead31
Ear pain extending spine31
Pain behind ear21
Pain behind ear,morning31
Pain behind ear,afternoon31
Pain behind ear,afternoon on waking31
Pain behind ear, 3 p.m.31
Ear soreness21
Soreness below ear31
Soreness in front of ear31
Stitching pain in ear21
Stitching pain in left ear31
Stitching pain in ear,lying on right side31
Stitching pain behind the ear31
Ear pulsation21
Right ear pulsation31
Ear pulsation,exposure to air aggravation31
Ear swelling21
Right ear swelling31
Swelling below ear31
Swelling of glands below ear31
Acute hearing21
Hearing acute to voices and talking31
Breath seems hot31
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Pale face21
Red face21
Red face during headache31
Yellow face21
Lips dryness31
Sickly expression31
Face heat21
Face burning heat31
Brown tongue31
White tongue31
Yellow tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Tongue dryness31
Gums sore pain31
Tongue erect papillae21
Tongue reddened papillae31
Tongue prickling31
Tongue roughness31
Salivation while lying31
Tongue swelling31
Bitter taste32
Sour taste,morning31
Wanting taste,loss of taste31
Wanting tastelessness of food31
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat dryness21
Oesophagus dryness31
Diposition to hawk21
Oesophagus heat31
Throat inflammation21
Throat mucus21
Sore throat21
Sore throat right side31
Sore throat,afternoon31
Throat stitching pain,morning31
Throat stitching pain,morning on rising31
Throat ulcers21
Throat right side ulcers31
Sensation of foreign substance in larynx21
Lost voice on waking31
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration, 1 a.m.31
Difficult respiration while lying on the back31
Hot breath21
Dry cough21
Sensation as of foreign body in larynx on coughing21
Hacking cough21
Purulent expectorarion21
Sweetish expectoration31
Below clavicle pain31
Chest right side pain31
Crampy pain in heart31
Diaphragm stitching pain on speaking31
Appetite,easy satiety21
Increased appetite with headache31
Increased appetite on waking31
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite21
Wanting appetite21
Wanting appetite,morning31
Aversion to butter22
Aversion to fats and rich food23
Aversion to food21
Aversion to meat22
Aversion to beef31
Aversion to puddings22
Stomach coldness during diarrhoea31
Stomach contraction21
Desires sour,acid things21
Desordered stomach22
Disordered stomach after fat food32
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Stomach emptiness after dinner31
Stomach emptiness after eating31
Stomach emptiness during haedache31
Bitter eructations21
Eructations like spoiled eggs21
Empty eructations21
Fluid eructations21
Nauseous eructations21
Sour eructations21
Stomach fullness after breakfast31
Stomach fullness after eating32
Stomach fullness after eating ever so little32
Stomach heat flushes21
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression22
Stomach heaviness after dinner31
Stomach heaviness after eating32
Stomach heaviness,pressure aggravation31
Stomach heaviness on waking31
Indigestion after cheese31
Indigestion from meat32
Nausea after dinner31
Nausea while eating31
Nausea after eating32
Nausea during eructations31
Nausea during fever31
Nausea on lying down31
Nausea on motion31
Nausea from pressure on stomach31
Nausea while talking31
Nausea while walking31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain,night in bed31
Stomach pain,on bending double amelioration31
Stomach pain,cheese31
Stomach pain after eating32
Stomach pain after meat31
Stomach pain after rich food32
Stomach pain after supper31
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain22
Stomach cramping pain,night in bed31
Stomach cramping pain,talking31
Stomach cutting pain21
Stomach cutting pain,afternoon31
Stomach gnawing pain21
Stomach pressing pain after eating32
Stomach pressing pain,eating amelioration31
Stomach pressing pain as from a weight32
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain21
Stomach sinking21
Sensation of stone in stomach22
Stone in stomach after dinner31
Stone in stomach,eating amelioration31
Extreme thirst31
Stomach uneasiness21
Bitter vomiting21
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Abdomen distension21
Abdomen distension,night31
Hypogastrium distension31
Abdomen emptiness21
Enlarged liver31
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen flashes of heat31
Abdomen heaviness as from a load,etc21
Hypochondria heaviness31
Hupochondria heaviness while walking31
Heaviness in liver32
Liver inflammation22
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching,morning32
Abdomen aching,morning in bed31
Abdomen aching,forenoon31
Abdomen aching, 10 a.m.31
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching, night31
Abdomen aching,night in bed31
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching while lying on back31
Abdomen aching,motion amelioration31
Abdomen aching,pressure amelioration31
Abdomen aching while standing31
Abdomen aching during stool31
Abdomen aching on waking31
Abdomen aching while walking31
Abdomen aching extending to small of back31
Hypochondria aching dull pain22
Right hypochondrium aching31
Hypochondria aching,forenoon31
Hypochondria aching,2 p.m.31
Hypochondria aching,evening31
Hypochondria aching after dancing31
Hypochondria aching,lying on left side aggravation32
Hypochondria aching from motion31
Hypochondria aching,rapid motion31
Hypochondria aching on rising31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Hypogastrium aching during stool31
Iliac region aching dull pain21
Iliac region right side aching31
Iliac region aching on motion31
Liver aching,dull pain22
Liver aching after cheese31
Liver aching after eating32
Liver aching,lying on right side amelioration31
Liver aching,lying on left side31
Abdomen sides aching,noon31
Umbilicus aching dull pain22
Umbilicus aching,evening31
Umbilicus aching,motion31
Umbilicus aching,pressure amelioration32
Umbilicus aching extending to back31
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain22
Reg.of umbilicus aching,5 p.m.31
Reg.of umbilicus aching,motion aggravation31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Region of umbilicus cramping pain22
Abdomen cutting pain21
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Right hypochondrium cutting pain31
Liver cutting pain21
Spleen cutting pain21
Umbilical region cutting pain31
Umbilical reg.cutting pain,afternoon31
Right hypochondrium dragging pain21
Right hypochondrium dragging pain when lying on left side32
Abdomen drawing pain21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Hypochondria sore pain21
Hypochondria sore pain,lying on left side31
Sore,bruised pain in liver21
Spleen sore,bruised pain,tenderness,etc22
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Right hypochondrium stitching pain32
Hypochondria stitching pain extending downward31
Hypogastrium stitching pain21
Inguinal stitching pain,bending toward painful side31
Liver stitching pain22
Umbilicus stitching pain extending to back31
Abdomen pulsation21
Abdomen pulsation,evening31
Right hypochondrium pulsation31
Umbilicus pulsation21
Relaxed abdomen feeling21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen rumbling,daytime31
Abdomen rumbling, 1 p.m.31
Abdomen rumbling, 2 p.m.31
Rumbling as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen rumbling during stool31
Abdomen rumbling after stool31
Abdomen rumbling on walking in open air31
Liver swelling22
Umbilicus swelling21
Abdomen tension21
Right hypochondrium tension,lying on left side31
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea32
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining31
Diarrhoea after the slightest indiscretion in eating31
Inactivity of rectum21
Anus itching after stool31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum burning pain after stool31
Rectum pressing pain21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during diarrhoea31
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Rectum tenesmus after stool31
Urging to stool21
Constant urging31
Urging to stool during stool31
Sudden urging to stool31
Stool like balls21
Dark stool21
Fecal dark stool31
Knotty,nodular,lumpy stool21
Stool,cadaveric odor32
Stool,offensive odor31
Stool,putrid odor31
Pasty stool22
Soft stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Thin liquid fecal stool31
Bladder pain21
Reg.of left kidney lameness on waking31
Kidneys pain21
Prostate gland heat21
Prostate gland uneasiness21
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Urethra soreness21
Dark urine22
Phosphates in urine22
Purple sediment in urine21
Red sediment in urine21
Sacral reg.coldness during stool31
Back pain,morning on waking31
Back pain,forenoon31
Back pain,afternoon31
Back pain when breathing31
Back pain on motion31
Back pain on rising from sitting31
Back pain on waking31
Cervical reg.pain, noon31
Left scapula pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar region pain during motion31
Lumbar pain on rising from a seat31
Lumbar pain,rising from a seat amelioration31
Sacral region pain21
Back aching pain21
Back aching pain,morning on waking31
Back aching pain,forenoon31
Back aching pain,afternoon31
Back aching pain on waking31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching,afternoon31
Lumbar reg.aching,rising up amelioration31
Lumbar reg.aching after washing31
Sacrum aching pain21
Left scapula drawing pain31
Back lameness on rising up31
Back lameness on waking31
Lumbar region lameness31
Lumbar lameness on rising up31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar stitching pain on motion31
Scapulae tearing pain31
Cervical stiffness,afternoon31
Lumbar region weakness31
Hands awkwardness31
Fingers awkwardness31
Fingers coldness31
Foot coldness31
Feet coldness during fever31
Stinging corns31
Purple lower limbs in spots31
Lower limbs redness31
Hands dryness31
Feet dryness31
Upper limbs sensation of enlargement31
Hands sensation of enlargement31
Hands vesicles31
Hand heat31
Palm dry heat31
Foot heat31
Foot heat, morning31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Upper limbs itching31
Back of hand itching31
Hand numbness31
Fingers numbness31
Extremties pain21
Limbs pain, afternoon31
Limbs pain during fever31
Limbs pain,warmth aggravation31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limb pain, morning31
Shoulder pain31
Upper arm rheumatic pain31
Wrist pain31
Wrist rheumatic pain31
Hand pain31
Hand pain, evening31
Hand rheumatic pain31
Lower limbs pain21
Lower limbs pain while standing31
Hip pain31
Hip pain,pulsating31
Knee rheumatic pain31
Leg pain, afternoon31
Leg pain, 6 p.m.31
Leg pain extending to ankle31
Leg pain extending to feet31
Extremities aching21
Extremities aching, afternoon31
Joints aching31
Flexors aching31
Wrist aching31
Hand aching31
Lower limbs aching31
Thigh posterior part aching31
Knee aching31
Leg aching31
Leg aching, forenoon31
Leg aching, afternoon31
Calf aching31
Ankles aching31
Foot aching31
Foot aching, afternoon31
Lower limbs burning pain31
Wrist drawing pain31
Wrist drawing,afternoon31
Hand drawing pain31
Hand drawing, evening31
Knee drawing pain31
Knee drawing,afternoon31
Ankles drawing pain31
Ankle drawing,afternoon31
Ankle drawing,evening31
Heel drawing pain31
Shoulder shooting31
Sore bruised extremities, 6 a.m.31
Sore bruised extremities after sleep31
Sore bruised lower limbs31
Sore bruised lower limbs,forenoon31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain, 4 p.m.31
Hip stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain, 4 p.m.31
Thigh stitching pain32
Knee stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain, 9 p.m.31
Sensation of finger joints paralysis31
Hip shuddering31
Hand stiffness31
Fingers stiffness31
Hand tingling,prickling,asleep31
Fingers tingling,prickling,asleep31
Lower limbs trembling,forenoon,10 a.m.31
Leg unsteadiness31
Extremities weakness21
Lower limbs weakness,forenoon31
Leg weakness,forenoon31
Sleep disturbed by dreams31
Heavy sleep21
Interrupted sleep21
Restless sleep21
Sleeplessness after 2 a.m.32
Unrefreshing sleep21
Waking at 2 a.m.33
Waking at 4 a.m.31
Dreams about enemies21
Fantastic dreams21
Dreams about fights21
Frightful dreams21
Dreams about graves or tombs21
Dreams about robbers21
Dreams about snakes21
Unpleasant dreams21
Vexatious dreams21
Vivid dreams21
Heat,afternoon,after dinner31
Dry heat21
Heat after dinner31
External heat, 4 p.m.31
External heat after dinner31
Heat comes on after sleep31
Perspiration, afternoon21
Perspiration, night21
Perspiration, dinner31
Perspiration after waking31
Desire for open air32
Open air amelioration32
After eating32
Faintness on turning the head31
Faintness on waking31
Butter aggravation32
Old cheese aggravation32
Fat food aggravation32
Meat aggravation32
Motion aggravation21
Continued motion amelioration32
Warm room aggravation32
Weakness, 9 a.m.31
Weakness, 11 a.m.31
Weakness, noon31
Weakness until 6 p.m.31
Weakness while eating31
Weakness from slight exertion31
Weakness on rising31
Weakness while sitting31
Weakness on waking31