Lactuca virosa.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Plays antics21
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind,morning31
Confusion of mind,morning on rising31
Gay delirium31
Fancied he saw an inkstand on bed31
Delusion that he would be murdered31
Sees soldiers on his bed31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Exaltation of fancies31
Vivid fancies31
Foolish behavior21
Forsaken feeling21
Repulsive mood21
Anxious restlessness31
Sadness,mental depression21
Sadness, evening31
Dullness of senses31
Wepping,tearful mood21
Vertigo,balancing sensation21
Tendency to fall21
Vertigo as if floating21
Vertigo as if intoxicated21
Vertigo while lying31
Vertigo from sudden motion31
Vertigo while sewing21
Vertigo,after sleep aggravation32
Vertigo as if turning in a circle21
Vertigo with obscuration of vision21
Vertigo in a warm room31
Head coldness,chilliness,etc21
Head coldness,morning31
Head congestion,hyperaemia21
Occiput constriction31
Enlarged head sensation21
Head fullness21
Head fullness,afternoon31
Head fullness during vertigo31
Head fullness,warm room31
Head heat21
Head heat with cold hands31
Head flashes of heat31
Forehead heat31
Forehead heat alternately in either protuberance31
Head heaviness22
Head heaviness,afternoon31
Occiput heaviness31
Occiput heaviness,afternoon31
Sensation of looseness of brain21
Motions,movements,etc.,in head21
Motions in head,morning31
Motions in head when coughing31
Motions in head by moving the head31
Motions in head while in a warm room31
Headache in general21
Headache,morning in bed31
Headache during the chill31
Headache,exertion of body,etc....31
Hysterical headache31
Headache increasing gradually31
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache on moving head31
Nervous headache31
Headache,external pressure aggravation31
Headache on shaking head31
Headache after sleep31
Headache,pain in small spot31
Headache from touch31
Headache,warm room aggravation31
Headache extending to forehead31
Brain pain,afternoon31
Brain pain from touch31
Forehead pain21
Forehead pain,morning31
Forehead pain,morning on waking31
Forehead pain,forenoon amelioration31
Forehead pain,afternoon31
Forehead pain,mental exertion31
Forehead pain from stooping31
Above eyes headache31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain,forenoon31
One side headache21
Headache,vertex pain21
Burning headache21
Forehead drawing pain21
Temples drawing pain extending across forehead31
Headache,dull pain21
Temples jerking pain31
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing headache,burning31
Forehead pressing pain21
Forehead pressing outward pain31
Forehead pressing pain extending outward31
Temples pressing outward pain31
Headache,shooting pain21
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure21
Stitching headache21
Forehead stitching pain21
Frontal eminence stitching pain31
Frontal eminence stitching pain when stooping31
Temples tearing pain21
Right temple tearing pain31
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing21
Head pulsating,morning31
Head pulsating,motion amelioration31
Head quivering sensation21
Sensitiveness of brain21
Head shaking sensation21
Head shaking sensation during cough32
Head shaking sensation on motion of head31
Swollen,distended head feeling21
Eye discharges of mucus or pus21
Eruption in canthi31
Eyeballs upward movement32
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye burning pain while writing31
Canthi burning pain31
Pupils dilated (mydriase)31
Eye redness21
Eye redness while reading31
Weak eye21
Black floating spots (muscae volitantes)31
Dim vision during vertigo31
Vision illusions21
Loss of vision (blindness)21
Weak vision21
Noises in ear21
Noises in ear,evening31
Noises in ear,evening in bed31
Buzzing in ear21
Buzzing,evening in bed31
Humming in ear21
Roaring in ear21
Whirling noise21
Whirling noise,evening in bed31
Ear pain21
Ear aching pain21
Boring pain in ear21
Drawing pain in ear21
Stitching pain in ear21
Inside ear tension31
Impaired hearing22
Nose inside dryness21
Nose tip pressing pain31
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Frequent sneezing31
Pale face21
Face distortion21
Sickly expression31
Face formication21
Face heat21
Face heat,forenoon31
Chin stitching pain31
Lower jaw stitching pain31
Lips quivering31
Sense of upper lip swelling31
Face tingling21
Lips trembling31
Lips twitching31
White tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Froth,foam from mouth21
Collection of mucus on tongue31
Tongue tip pain as if burnt31
Acrid saliva21
Sour saliva31
Bitter taste31
Feeling as if twisted teeth21
Sensation of throat coldness21
Oesophagus coldness31
Throat mucus21
Throat mucus,morning31
Throat tenacious mucus31
Throat tenacious mucus,morning31
Throat pain,evening31
Uvula burning pain31
Throat paralysis21
Sensation of oesophagus paralysis31
Throat scraping21
Suffocative sensation21
Difficult swallowing31
Impossible swallowing from paralysis31
Larynx and trachea dryness21
Larynx and trachea burning pain21
Larynx rawness pain31
Trachea rawness pain31
Larynx and trachea roughness21
Tickling in the air passages21
Tickling in larynx31
Tickling in trachea31
Accelerated respiration22
Arrested respiration on coughing31
Asthmatic respiration21
Deep respiration21
Desire to breathe deeply32
Difficult respiration22
Difficult respiration during night31
Difficult respiration with cough31
Difficult respiration while lying31
Difficult respiration during sleep32
Difficult respiration with waking31
Difficult respiration,walking31
Cough, forenoon21
Cough, evening in bed31
Asthmatic cough21
Barking cough21
Constant cough21
Cough,crawling in larynx31
Dry cough21
Hacking cough21
Hacking cough,evening in bed31
Hollow cough21
Hollow cough,evening31
Hollow cough,evening after lying down31
Cough,lying aggravation21
Cough while lying,evening31
Cough,lying in bed aggravation31
Painful cough31
Paroxysmal cough21
Paroxysmal cough,short coughs31
Periodic cough21
Racking cough22
Cough short21
Spasmodic cough22
Spasmodic cough,forenoon31
Suffocative cough21
Tickling cough21
Fauces tickling cough31
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Tickling in pharynx on coughing31
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Tormenting cough21
Violent cough21
Whooping cough22
Easy expectoration21
Frequent expectoration21
Mucous expectoration21
Angina pectoris21
Region of heart anxiety32
Chest catarrh22
Chest,clothing aggravation21
Chest coldness21
Axilla coldness31
Congestion (heperaemia of chest)21
Chest constriction,tension,tightness22
Chest constriction in hydrothorax31
Chest constriction during deep respiration31
Chest spasmodic constriction31
Chest constriction on waking32
Chest lower part constriction31
Chest cramp21
Chest dropsy22
Chest fullness21
Chest fullness,evening31
Mammae fullness31
Chest heat21
Chest heat flushes31
Chest oppression22
Oppression during sleep31
Oppression on waking32
Oppression while walking in open air31
Chest pain22
Chest pain,morning in bed31
Chest pain during inspiration31
Chest pain after rising31
Chest pain,sneezing31
Chest pain while walking31
Chest sides pain21
Chest sides pain during cough31
Chest aching pain22
Chest aching pain,morning in bed31
Chest burning pain21
Chest bursting pain on coughing33
Chest crampy pain21
Chest drawing pain21
Chest drawing pain,morning in bed31
Chest drawing pain,morning,after rising aggravation31
Chest drawing pain on inspiration31
Chest drawing pain,walking31
Chest pinching pain21
Chest pressing pain22
Lower chest pressing pain31
Chest middle pressing pain31
Chest sides pressing pain31
Sternum pressing pain31
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Chest sore pain from coughing31
Chest sore pain on sneezing31
Chest squeezing sensation21
Chest stitching pain22
Chest stitching pain extending to back31
Axilla stitching pain31
Chest left side stitching pain31
Chest left side stitching pain extending to scapula32
Chest side stitching pain extending to scapula31
Lower part of chest left side stitching pain32
Sternum stitching pain31
Chest side tearing pain31
Heart palpitation21
Chest pulsation21
Shaking of chest during cough22
Spasms of chest21
Chest trembling21
Sensation of chest warmth21
Chest weakness21
Stomach anxiety21
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Increased appetite at noon31
Wanting appetite21
Aversion to bread21
Aversion to meat21
Stomach coldness22
Stomach icy coldness31
Stomach constriction21
Stomach crawling21
Acrid eructations21
Empty eructations21
Foul eructations21
Loud eructations21
Stomach gurgling21
Nausea in abdomen31
Stomach pain,passing flatus amelioration31
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach pressing pain22
Sense of stomach retraction21
Stomach tension22
Abdomen distension21
Hypogastrium distension31
Abdominal dropsy,ascites21
Ascites with induration of liver31
Enlarged liver31
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Hard liver31
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen heat extending to chest31
Abdomen heaviness as from a load,etc21
Hypochondria heaviness31
Heaviness in liver31
Movements in abdomen21
Abdomen aching in bed31
Abdomen aching during cough31
Abdomen aching during diarrhoeic stool31
Hypochondria aching dull pain21
Hypochondria aching,morning31
Hypochondria aching,evening31
Hypochondria aching extending backward31
Liver aching,dull pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain,morning31
Abdomen cramping pain,morning in bed31
Abdomen cramping pain in bed31
Abdomen cramping pain before stool31
Hypochondria cramping,griping pain22
Abdomen cutting pain21
Abdomen cutting pain during dinner31
Abdomen cutting pain after dinner31
Abdomen cutting pain before stool31
Hypochondria drawing pain21
Hypochondria pressing pain,evening31
Liver pressing pain21
Region of umbilicus pressing pain21
Hypochondria sore pain21
Right hypochondrium sore pain31
Hypochondria sore pain,morning31
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Right hypochondrium stitching pain32
Hypochondria stitching pain after dinner31
Hypochondria stitching pain after eating31
Hypochondria stitching pain extending to back31
Liver stitching pain21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen shaking from cough31
Liver swelling21
Abdomen tension21
Hypochondria tension21
Right hypochondrium tension31
Abdomen turning sensation21
Hypochondria twitching and jerking21
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea32
Constipation,difficult stool31
Insufficient incomplete unsatisfactory stools31
Rectum dragging,heaviness,weight21
Offensive flatus31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum drawing pain21
Rectum pressing pain21
Rectum soreness21
Rectum sticking pain21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum twinging pain21
Rectum prickling21
Urging to stool21
Urging to stool before stool31
Dry stool21
Hard stool21
Hard first,then fluid stool31
Pasty stool21
Scanty stool21
Soft stool21
Formed then fluid stool31
Bladding dragging pain21
Bladder pressing pain,pressure in bladder21
Bladder pressing pain during urination31
Frequent urination21
Meatus burning pain21
As if a few drops passed31
As if some urine remained in urethra after urinating31
Burning or hot urine21
Brown urine21
Light yellow urine22
Copious urine (increased)21
Urine sweetish odor22
Urine odor like violette21
Scanty urine21
Watery urine,clear as water21
Painful erections21
Glans drawing pain31
Root of penis drawing pain31
Spermatic cords drawing pain21
Nightly seminal emissions22
Penis painful swelling31
Penis lymphatics swelling31
Uterus dropsy21
Back coldness (including chill)21
Back formication21
Prickling in back21
Back pain21
Back pain,compelled to move,no relief32
Cervical region pain21
Cervical reg.pain on coughing31
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar pain extending to groins,evening31
Sacral region pain21
Coccyx pain21
Spine pain21
Back drawing pain21
Cervical region drawing pain31
Lumbar drawing pain extending to groin in evening31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Sacral region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Scapulae stitching,shooting pain31
Coccyx stitching,shooting pain31
Back prickling21
Rush of blood to knees31
Rush of blood to legs31
Hands coldness31
Foot coldness31
Hand cramps31
Leg cramps31
Calf cramps31
Calf cramps on walking31
Hand heat31
Fingers heat31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Lower limbs heaviness as from fatigue31
Leg heaviness,tired leg31
Upper limbs itching31
Fingers itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Toes itching31
Thigh jerking31
Extremities numbness21
Extremities numbness while sitting31
Lower limbs numbness31
Leg numbness31
Extremties pain21
Right shoulder pain31
Upper arm pain,jerking31
Upper arm spasmodic pain31
Fingers pain31
Second finger pain31
Lower limbs rheumatic pain31
Toes pain31
Extremities drawing pain21
Shoulder drawing pain31
Upper arm drawing pain31
Elbow drawing pain31
Olecranon drawing31
Hand cramp-like drawing31
Leg drawing pain31
Leg drawing extending upwards31
Sore,bruised extremities21
Sore bruised thigh31
Sore bruised sole31
Sprained upper limb31
Upper limbs stitching,evening31
Upper arm stitching pain31
Upper limb joints tearing pain31
Shoulder tearing in open air31
Elbow tearing pain31
Elbow tearing in open air31
Forearm tearing pain31
Wrist tearing pain31
Wrist bones tearing pain31
Knee tearing pain31
Knee wandering tearing pain31
Leg tearing pain31
Leg wandering tearing pain31
Ankle tearing pain31
Ankle tearing pain,wandering31
Sensation of shoulder paralysis31
Sensation of fingers paralysis31
Sensation of fourth finger paralysis31
Foot perspiration31
Wrist stiffness31
Lower limbs stiffness31
Shoulders tension31
Hollow of knee tension31
Hollow of knee tension on rising from a seat31
Hollow of knee tension while walking31
Fingers tingling,prickling,asleep31
Extremities trembling21
Hand trembling31
Lower limbs trembling31
Leg trembling31
Upper limbs twitching31
Elbow twitching31
Hand twitching31
Thigh twitching31
Extremities weakness21
Upper limbs weakness31
Upper arm weakness31
Fingers weakness31
Knee weakness31
Deep sleep22
Deep sleep,uremic31
Falling asleep early31
Heavy sleep21
Restless sleep21
Overpowering sleepiness31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Anxious dreams21
Dreams about murders21
Dreams of being murdered31
Vivid dreams21
Chilliness when in a warm room31
Body upper part heat with icy-cold feet31
Dry heat21
Profuse perspiration21
Vesicular eruption32
Open air amelioration31
Internal dropsy31
Pains appear gradually21
Drawing pain31
Nervous weakness31
Weakness during stool31
Weakness from walking in open air31