Arsenicum iodatum


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Answer, aversion to answer31
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind,morning31
Confusion of mind,evening31
Delusions, sees dead persons31
Illusions of fancy31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Mental exertion aggravation21
Fear of insanity31
Fear of people31
Indolence,aversion to work21
Desire to kill22
Sudden impulse to kill32
Alternating mood31
Changeable,variable mood31
Prostation of mind21
Restlessness, night32
Anxious restlessness32
Restlessness driving out of bed32
Restlessness,warm bed aggravation32
Sadness,mental depression23
Dullness of senses31
Sensitive to noise32
Sensitive to sensual impressions31
Inclination to sit22
Averse to being spoken to22
Starting during sleep31
Persistent thoughts31
Wepping,tearful mood21
Vertigo while walking21
Head coldness,chilliness,etc21
Head coldness,evening31
Head congestion,hyperaemia21
Head eruption21
Head crusts or scabs32
Head scurfy eruption31
Hair falling31
Head heat21
Head heaviness21
Scalp itching21
Headache in general21
Headache,in open air amelioration31
Catarrhal headache32
Headache with coryza31
Headache,after eating amelioration31
Headache from fasting31
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache from motion31
Headache from noise31
Periodic headache32
Headache while walking31
Headache,warm room aggravation31
Headache from riding in cold wind32
Forehead pain21
Forehead pain,forenoon31
Forehead pain,riding in cold wind31
Above eyes headache31
Forehead pain above root of nose31
Occiput pain22
One side headache21
Left side headache32
Temples pain22
Right temple pain31
Headache,vertex pain21
Headache,pressing pain21
Forehead pressing pain22
Over eyes pressing pain31
Occiput pressing pain22
Temples pressing pain21
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure21
Stitching headache22
Temples stitching pain21
Stunning,stupefying headache21
Headache,tearing,rending pain21
Scalp perspiration21
Forehead perspiration21
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing22
Forehead pulsating22
Temples pulsating22
Eye acrid discharges31
Eye inflammation21
Eye catarrhal inflammation from cold31
Eye scrofulous inflammation31
Conjunctiva inflammation31
Iris inflammation32
Lachrymation during coryza31
Eye pain21
Eye pain while reading31
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Eye stitching pain21
Eye protrusion22
Pupils dilated (mydriase)31
Eye redness21
Lids redness31
Sunken eye21
Swollen lids31
Lids oedematous swelling31
Burning tears32
Lids twitching31
Wild look21
Eyes yelowness21
Dim vision22
Foggy vision22
Weak vision21
Ear discharges22
Ear excoriating discharges32
Ear fetid discharges32
Ear heat21
Noises in ear22
Buzzing in ear22
Fluttering sounds in ear21
Humming in ear21
Ringing in ear21
Roaring in ear22
Ear pain21
Ear pain in cold wind31
Stitching pain in ear21
Tearing pain in ear21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Acute hearing21
Lost hearing22
Nose catarrh22
Coryza in open air31
Annual coryza (hay fever)32
Hay fever,asthmatic breathing32
Chronic,long continued coryza31
Coryza with cough31
Coryza with discharge (fluent)32
Coryza with discharge,open air amelioration31
Nose blood discharge32
Nose burning discharge32
Nose copious discharge32
Nose excoriating discharge33
Nose greenish discharge32
Nose purulent discharge32
Nose thick discharge32
Nose watery discharge32
Nose yellow discharge32
Nose yellow discharge like honey31
Nose redness31
Nose inside dryness23
Nose obstruction23
Nose obstruction,warm room32
Pain in nose21
Wanting smell,lost smell22
Nose swelling23
Nose inside ulcers32
Face coldness22
Bluish face22
Bluish circles around eyes31
Bluish lips31
Brown face21
Face brown spots31
Earthy face22
Pale face22
Red face21
Red face,circumscribed31
Sallow face21
Face sickly color22
Yellow face22
Drawn face21
Face emaciation21
Face eruption21
Nose eruption31
Face acne22
Face coppery eruption23
Face moist eruption22
Face pimples22
Face scurfy eruption22
Face syphilitic eruption22
Old looking face32
Sickly expression32
Membrane on lips21
Membrane on corners of mouth31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)22
Face glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling33
Face twitching22
Mouth aphthae22
Mouth bleeding21
Cracked fissured tongue33
Brown tongue31
White tongue32
Mouth dryness22
Mouth dryness,night on waking31
Tongue dryness32
Enlarged tongue31
Gums inflammation31
Mouth mucus,slime,etc21
Mouth mucus,morning31
Breath offensive odor33
Breath putrid odor33
Gums pain32
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain32
Tongue sore pain31
Scorbutic gums22
Difficult speech31
Stammering speech31
Stiff tongue22
Gums swelling33
Tongue swelling32
Bad taste31
Bitter taste31
Putrid taste32
Saltish taste32
Sour taste32
Sweetish taste31
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Toothache after eating31
Intermittent toothache31
Tearing toothache21
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat dryness21
Throat mucus22
Throat mucous patches31
Throat pain21
Throat burning pain21
Throat scraping21
Difficult swallowing31
Throat swelling21
Throat syphilitic affection22
Throat ulcers21
Larynx dryness31
Trachea dryness32
Larynx inflammation21
Trachea inflammation31
Laryngismus stridulus21
Mucus in larynx31
Trachea mucus31
Larynx burning pain31
Trachea burning pain31
Larynx rawness pain31
Larynx and trachea soreness21
Larynx soreness31
Larynx phthisis21
Larynx and trachea roughness21
Lost voice31
Rough voice31
Weak voice31
Accelerated respiration21
Asthmatic respiration23
Asthma, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.32
Hay asthma32
Difficult respiration22
Difficult respiration during night31
Difficult respiration,open air amelioration31
Difficult respiration on ascending32
Difficult respiration with cough32
Difficult respiration after exertion32
Difficult respiration while lying32
Difficult respiration,motion31
Difficult respiration during palpitation31
Irregular respiration21
Wheezing respiration22
Cough,day and night31
Cough after midnight31
Asthmatic cough22
Croupy cough22
Deep cough21
Dry cough23
Exhausting cough21
Cough during fever21
Hacking cough22
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Cough from irritation in trachea31
Loose cough22
Cough,motion aggravation22
Spasmodic cough21
Suffocative cough21
Greenish expectoration21
Purulent expectorarion22
Stringy expectoration21
Putrid expectoration31
Salty expectoration31
Sweetish expectoration31
Tough expectoration21
Viscid expectoration21
Yellow expectoration22
Heart affections32
Anxiety in chest22
Region of heart anxiety32
Mammae cancer32
Mammae cancer,epithelioma32
Chest catarrh21
Chest constriction,tension,tightness22
Heart constriction33
Fatty degeneration of heart22
Chest fluttering21
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)21
Endocardium inflammation31
Pericardium inflammation32
Lungs inflammation32
Pleura inflammation31
Pleura neglected inflammation32
Chest itching21
Chest murmurs22
Chest oppression23
Oppression,warm room31
Heart oppression32
Chest pain21
Chest sides pain21
Heart pain22
Heart pain extending to back32
Chest burning pain21
Chest cutting (sudden sharp pain)21
Heart cutting pain32
Chest pressing pain21
Chest pressing pain during cough31
Heart palpitation23
Heart palpitation after excitement32
Heart palpitation,exertion32
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation31
Heart paralysis31
Lung paralysis31
Phthisis pulmonalis22
Purulent and ulcerative phthisis pulmonalis32
Mammae swelling31
Heart trembling32
Axilla tumors21
Chest weakness22
Sensation of weakness about the heart32
Increased appetite,hunger in general22
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite23
Ravenous appetite with marasmus31
Wanting appetite21
Aversion to food22
Stomach cancer22
Stomach contraction22
Desires alcoholic drinks22
Stomach distention21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling22
Empty eructations23
Sensation of stomach fullness21
Stomach heat flushes21
Stomach heaviness after eating31
Stomach inflammation21
Loathing of food22
Nausea after eating31
Stomach pain21
Stomach pain after eating32
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach cutting pain21
Stomach gnawing pain21
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach pulsation21
Retching with cough31
Stomach tension21
Extreme thirst31
Thirst during perspiration31
Unquenchable thirst31
Stomach trembling21
Vomiting on coughing32
Vomiting after drinking31
Incessant vomiting31
Vomiting after milk31
Violent vomiting31
Bile vomiting21
Blood vomiting21
Food vomiting21
Water vomiting21
Yellow vomiting21
Abdomen bubo21
Abdomen bubo with burning31
Abdomen distension21
Abdomen tympanitic distension31
Enlarged liver31
Enlarged mesenterics32
Enlarged spleen32
Abdomen flatulence22
Flatulence,obstructed abdomen32
Hard abdomen21
Abdomen heat21
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)21
Liver inflammation21
Spleen inflammation21
Liver and region of liver21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen pain,bending double ameliorates31
Abdomen aching after eating31
Abdomen aching during menses32
Abdomen aching during diarrhoeic stool31
Abdomen aching,warmth amelioration31
Hypochondria aching dull pain21
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Inguinal region aching dull pain21
Liver aching,dull pain22
Spleen aching dull pain21
Umbilicus aching dull pain21
Abdomen burning pain22
Inguinal glands burning pain31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cutting pain22
Abdomen cutting pain,passing flatus amelioration31
Abdomen cutting pain during stool32
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Abdomen drawing pain21
Hypogastrium pressing pain21
Hypochondria sore pain21
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Abdomen pulsation21
Abdomen restlessness,uneasiness22
Rumblings in the bowels21
Complaints of spleen22
Tabes mesenterica21
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea31
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining31
Diarrhoea,morning,after rising and moving about31
Diarrhoea,aged people31
Diarrhoea after eating31
Painless diarrhoea31
Offensive flatus31
External haemorrhoids31
Anus itching22
Rectum pain21
Rectum burning pain22
Rectum burning pain after stool32
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during dysentery31
Rectum paralysis21
Urging to stool21
Urging to stool on motion31
Urging to stool during stool31
Urging to stool after stool31
Acrid,corrosive,excoriating stool21
Black stool22
Bloody stool21
Brown stool31
Copious stool21
Frequent stool21
Hard stool21
Knotty,nodular,lumpy stool21
Large stool21
Light-colored stool21
Slimy mucous stool21
Mucous slimy bloody stool31
Stool,offensive odor32
Pasty stool21
Scanty stool21
Soft stool21
Watery stool22
White stool22
Yellow stool22
Retention of urine22
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)21
Urging to urinate,night32
Constant urging to urinate21
Frequent urging to urinate22
Dribbling urination (by drops)21
Involuntary dribbling urination31
Frequent urination21
Frequent urination, night31
Involuntary urination23
Addison's disease22
Suppression of urine22
Albuminous urine22
Albuminous urine consecutive to heart disease31
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Cloudy urine21
Dark urine22
Red urine21
Copious urine (increased)21
Urine offensive odor21
Scanty urine22
Troublesome erections,morning31
Incomplete erections21
Strong erections21
Wanting erections,impotency21
Male genitals syphilitic eruption32
Scrotum eruption22
Testes induration21
Penis itching21
Glans itching31
Male genitals perspiration21
Nightly seminal emissions21
Testes swelling22
Penis ulcers22
Glans ulcers31
Uterus cancer23
Female desire increased22
Ovaries induration22
Ovaries inflammation21
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea22
Bloody leucorrhoea22
Burning leucorrhoea21
Copious leucorrhoea22
Leucorrhoea after menses32
Thick leucorrhoea22
Thin watery leucorrhoea22
Yellow leucorrhoea22
Copious menses22
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea21
Short duration menses21
Suppressed menses21
Ovaries pain21
Right ovary pain31
Female genitals sore pain,tenderness22
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness22
Uterus sore pain,tenderness22
Uterus prolapsus21
Swollen female genitalia21
Ovaries tumors21
Back eruption like fish scales31
Back scales31
Lumbar region heat31
Back itching21
Back pain21
Back pain during menses31
Cervical region pain22
Lumbar region pain during menses31
Sacral region pain21
Coccyx pain21
Lumbar region burning pain31
Back soreness,bruised,beaten21
Cervical region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Thighs chilliness31
Extremities coldness22
Hands coldness33
Lower limbs coldness22
Leg coldness31
Foot coldness33
Extremities scales32
Extremities vesicles31
Wrist eruption32
Wrist eruption,scales31
Palm syphilitic psoriasis32
Ankles formication31
Foot formication31
Hand heat31
Heaviness,tired limbs22
Calf heaviness31
Foot heaviness,tired foot32
Foot heaviness,walking amelioration31
Hip-joint disease21
Extremeities itching21
Upper limbs itching31
Upper limbs stinging itching31
Back of hand itching31
Back of hand stinging itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Calf lameness31
Upper limb numbness31
Fingers numbness32
Lower limbs numbness31
Leg numbness31
Foot numbness31
Extremties pain21
Extremities rheumatic pain32
Joints pain32
Joints gouty pain32
Joints rheumatic pain31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limb pain, morning31
Upper limbs rheumatic pain31
Upper arm pain31
Upper arm pain, morning31
Upper arm pain while writing31
Upper arm bone rheumatic pain32
Elbow pain31
Forearm pain31
Hand pain while writing31
Lower limbs pain21
Hip pain32
Thigh pain31
Knee pain32
Calf pain,motion amelioration31
Foot pain31
Upper arm cutting pain while writing31
Lower limbs drawing pain31
Thigh drawing pain31
Knee drawing pain31
Thigh shooting31
Sore bruised mollet31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Wrist stitching pain31
Thigh stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain31
Ankle stitching pain31
Joints tearing pain32
Elbow tearing pain32
Fingers tearing pain31
Sensation of upper limbs paralysis31
Lower limbs paralysis31
Hand perspiration31
Hand cold perspiration31
Foot perspiration32
Foot offensive perspiration31
Fingers stiffness31
Extremities dropsical swelling32
Hand swelling31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Knee swelling32
Leg swelling31
Foot swelling32
Extremities trembling23
Hand trembling32
Lower limbs trembling31
Extremities twitching21
Upper limbs twitching31
Leg twitching31
Extremities weakness22
Upper limbs weakness31
Knee weakness31
Calf weakness when kneeling31
Restless sleep22
Short sleep21
Sleepiness, evening31
Early waking31
Amorous dreams21
Anxious dreams22
Dreams of the deads21
Vivid dreams21
Coldness in general21
Coldness, night22
Coldness in bed21
External coldness22
Internal coldness21
Chill during motion21
Quartan chill23
Coldness shaking,shivering,rigors22
Tertian chill21
Coldness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove31
Heat, night22
Heat alternating with chill22
Fever with chill21
Dry heat21
External heat22
Hectic fever23
Chronic intermittent fever22
Internal heat21
Internal heat with external chill31
Heat,perspiration absent21
Heat,desire for uncovering32
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration, morning21
Perspiration, night22
Perspiration in bed21
Cold perspiration21
Perspiration during slight exertion23
Perspiration during motion21
Profuse perspiration21
Profuse perspiration,night31
Skin anaesthesia21
Skin burning21
Skin coldness22
Skin liver-brown spots31
Skin red spots31
Yellow skin,jaundice31
Dry skin22
Dry skin,inability to perspire32
Coppery eruption32
Crusty eruptions33
Dry crusty eruption32
Desquamating eruption32
Discharging,moist eruption32
Dry eruption33
Herpetic eruption32
Itching eruption32
Eruption,night itching31
Eruption,itching when undressing32
Psoriasis diffusa31
Syphilitic psoriasis33
Scaly eruption32
Bran-like scaly eruption31
Suppressed eruptions32
Syphilitic eruption33
Syphilitic tubercles32
Whitish eruption32
Skin excoriation22
Skin syphilitic fungus33
Skin formication22
Skin inactivity21
Indurations, nodules, aso...22
Purpura haemorrhagica21
Rough skin22
Skin sticking21
Skin stinging21
Skin swelling22
Skin dropsical swelling32
Skin spongy swelling31
Skin tension21
Skin ulcer23
Skin bleeding ulcer32
Skin cancerous ulcer32
Skin ulcer,bloody discharges32
Skin ulcer,corrosive discharges33
Skin ulcer,watery discharges31
Indolent skin ulcer32
Skin indurated ulcer31
Skin sensitive ulcer31
Skin suppurating ulcer31
After midnight31
Desire for open air32
Open air amelioration31
General physical anxiety21
Bathing aggravation32
Blackness of the external parts21
Cancerous affections22
Becoming cold31
Heat and cold32
Tendency to take cold31
Cold wet weather aggravation31
Constriction, internally31
Constriction of orifices31
Convulsive movements21
External dropsy21
Internal dropsy31
Before eating22
After eating amelioration31
Emaciation,marasmus of children33
Physical exertion aggravation23
Formication,external parts21
Flushes of heat22
Sensation of heat21
Lack of vital heat22
Heaviness, externally22
Glands indurations31
Inflammations, internally31
Blood vessels inflammation31
Bones inflammation31
Inflammations of the glands31
Serous membrane inflammation31
Loss of fluids21
Lying in bed aggravation31
Lying on painful side aggravation31
During menses31
Motion aggravation22
Motion of affected parts amelioration31
Mucous secretions increased21
Numbness in single parts31
Numbness of suffering parts31
Orgasm of blood22
Bones pain31
Glands pain32
Burning pain,externally31
Burning pain,internally33
Paralytic pain31
Pinching pain31
Pinching pain internally31
Pressing pain,externally31
Pressing pain,internally32
Sore,bruised pain,internally31
Stitching pain,externally32
Stitching pain,internally31
Muscles stitching pain32
Tearing pain,internally31
Muscles tearing pain31
Pressure aggravation22
Pulsation externally22
Abnormal pulse23
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable33
Frequent and small pulse32
Full pulse31
Hard pulse31
Irregular pulse32
Small pulse32
Lack of reaction22
Running aggravates21
Sensitiveness, internally31
Sensitiveness to pain32
Crosswise symptoms,left lower and right upper31
Symptoms on the right side31
In summer21
Swelling of the affected parts32
Inflammatory swelling31
Glands swelling33
Trembling externally21
Walking aggravation21
While walking fast aggravation31
Warm aggravation23
Warm air aggravation31
Warm bed aggravation31
Warm room aggravation31
Warm wraps aggravation32
Weakness from ascending stairs31
Weakness from slight exertion32
Weakness during menses31
Weakness from walking32
Wet weather32
Cold wind31
Warm,south wind32