Mercurius cyanatus.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Raving,raging delirium31
Restlessness, night31
Unconsciousness,frequent spells31
Vertigo while sitting21
Eye syphilitic inflammation32
Noises in ear while sitting31
Ringing in ear21
Ringing while sitting31
Coryza during diphteria32
Diphtheria in nose21
Diphtheria begins in nose31
Epistaxis in diphteria32
Liquids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow22
Nose obstruction in diphteria32
Bluish face21
Bluish lips31
Cyanotic face21
Pale face22
Dropping of jaw21
Lips dryness32
Sensitive submaxillary glands32
Parotid glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling31
Tongue aphthae32
Mouth redness31
Gums violet border31
Black tongue32
Gray tongue32
Tongue red edges31
Milky white tongue31
Tongue yellow base31
Mouth inflammation22
Mouth false membrane22
Palate covered with a false membrane31
Velum false membrane31
Gums swelling32
Tongue swelling32
Mouth ulcers22
Ulcers on velum32
Tongue edges ulcers31
Tongue edges vesicles31
Blood oozing in throat21
Dark red throat32
Throat gangrene21
Throat inflammation22
Throat follicular inflammation32
Tonsils inflammation32
Liquids taken are forced into nose22
Throat bluish membrane31
Entire throat membrane31
Throat gray membrane31
Throat greenish membrane32
Throat leathery membrane31
Throat putrid membrane31
Throat thin membrane31
Throat white membrane32
Throat yellow membrane32
Throat membrane extending to nose31
Fauces membrane31
Throat pain on swallowing31
Throat pain extending to ear32
Sore throat22
Throat stitching pain extending to ear32
Difficult swallowing31
Throat swelling22
Tonsils swelling32
Throat ulcers22
Membranous croup32
Larynx pain while talking31
Larynx cutting pain on swallowing31
Vomiting after drinking31
Bile vomiting23
Rectum tenesmus21
Stool,offensive odor31
Retention of urine21
Kidneys inflammation21
Suppression of urine21
Albuminous urine22
Albuminous urine after diphteria31
Scrotum blueness21
Incomplete erections21
Diphtheritic exudations,female genitalia21
Extremities coldness,evening31
Extremities convulsion22
Calf pain31
Sore bruised mollet31
Leg swelling while standing31
Heat in general22
Heat, night22
Perspiration in general21
Skin coldness22
Contracted pulse31
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable31
Frequent and intermittent pulse31
Frequent and small pulse31
Frequent pulse,strong and small31
Full pulse31
Hard pulse31
Irregular pulse31
Irregular and slow pulse31
Slow pulse31
Small pulse31
Soft pulse31
Strong pulse31
Weak pulse31
Weakness from diarrhoea31