Arum triphyllum.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Biting fingers32
Confusion of mind,morning31
Delirium,picking at nose or lips32
Attempts to escape21
Weakness of memory21
Tossing about in bed32
Sadness,mental depression21
Starting during sleep31
Head coldness,afternoon32
Vertex coldness32
Vertex coldness,afternoon32
Vertex coldness as if without covering upper part31
Head crusts or scabs31
Head eczema32
Head fullness21
Head heat,afternoon32
Head heat during coriza33
Head heaviness21
Head heaviness,morning31
Forehead heaviness31
Forehead heaviness,morning31
Headache in general21
Headache,breakfast amelioration31
Headache from coffee31
Headache,after dinner amelioration31
Headache,after eating amelioration31
Headache from becoming heated32
Headache from becoming heated by a fire or stove32
Headache,hot drinks aggravation32
Headache from looking upward31
Headache from exposure to sun32
Headache,warm food aggravation32
Headache,warm room aggravation32
Pain,wrapping up the head32
Forehead pain21
Forehead right side pain31
Above left eye pain31
Occiput pain,morning31
Sides headache,morning on waking31
Temples pain21
Temples pain,night31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,vertex pain21
Boring headache,morning after waking31
Head sides boring pain21
Head right side boring pain31
Head sides boring pain,morning31
Burning headache21
Temples cutting pain31
Headache,dull pain21
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing headache after coffee31
Pressing headache from hot things32
Head side pressing pain21
Head shooting pain,morning31
Head shooting pain on turning eyes up31
Occiput shooting pain21
Occiput shooting pain,turning eyes upward31
Temples shooting pain21
Stitching headache,night31
Over eyes stitching pain31
Temples stitching pain21
Forehead tearing pain21
Forehead sides tearing pain31
Temples tearing pain21
Right temple tearing pain31
As if calvarium were removed21
Discharges from lachymal sac31
Eyes heaviness21
Lids heaviness31
Lachrymal sac inflammation31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Left upper lid quivering33
Swollen margins of lids31
Lower lid tension31
Dim vision22
Foggy vision21
Ear pain21
Ear burning pain21
Right ear burning pain31
Left ear burning pain31
Tearing pain in ear21
Boring in nose with fingers23
Nose catarrh22
Chapped nose21
Left side coryza33
Annual coryza (hay fever)32
Coryza during diphteria33
Coryza with discharge (fluent)32
Coryza with discharge,afternoon33
Coryza during scarlatina33
Coryza violent attacks33
Nose discharge,daytime31
Nose blood discharge32
Nose blood discharge,morning31
Nose burning discharge31
Nose copious discharge31
Nose copious discharge with stuffing of head32
Nose copious discharge,morning32
Crusts high up in nose31
Nose excoriating discharge33
Nose ichorous discharge31
Nose thick discharge32
Nose thick discharge,daytime32
Nose thin discharge31
Nose watery discharge33
Nose yellow discharge33
Nose yellow discharge,daytime32
Discharge from posterior nares31
Nose inside dryness21
Nose itching23
Liquids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow23
Nose obstruction23
Nose left side obstruction32
Nose obstruction,morning31
Sensation of nose obstruction31
Sensation of nose obstruction with watery discharge31
Pain in nose22
Pain in nose root32
Nose rawness23
Nostrils rawness32
Posterior nares rawness32
Nose inside sore bruised pain33
Nose inside sore bruised pain,left side33
Picking nose23
Picking nose until it bleeds33
Posterior nares ulcers31
Bleeding lips23
Chapped face22
Chapped lips33
Cracked lips23
Cracked corners of the mouth33
Red face21
Red face after eating31
Red lips31
Nose eruption31
Face pimples21
Excoriated lips23
Excoriated corners of mouth33
Face heat,afternoon33
Face heat during coryza33
Parotid gland inflammation32
Lips itching31
Membrane on lips21
Membrane on corners of mouth31
Jaw articulation pain32
Jaw articulation pain when swallowing32
Lips burning pain33
Parotid gland sore,bruised pain31
Left parotid sore pain31
Lips peeling21
Picking lips33
Lower jaw stiffness when swallowing32
Face swelling22
Face swelling,scarlet fever33
Face glands swelling33
Lips swelling33
Parotid glands swelling33
Submaxillary glands swelling33
Left submaxillary glands swelling31
Submaxillary glands painful swelling31
Mouth aphthae22
Mouth bleeding22
Mouth bleeding in scarlet fever33
Gums bleeding31
Tongue bleeding33
Cracked fissured tongue33
Red tongue31
Mouth dryness22
Mouth dryness,night32
Tongue dryness32
Tongue centre dryness32
Tongue inflammation31
Mouth itching in scarlatina33
Mouth false membrane23
Mouth viscid mucus32
Mouth mucus membrane excoriation33
Breath putrid odor32
Open mouth21
Pain in palate31
Tongue pain32
Mouth burning,raw and smarting pain23
Mouth burning pain,morning33
Palate burning pain32
Palate burning pain,morning33
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain33
Tongue root burning,raw and smarting pain33
Tongue contracting pain31
Palate pressing pain31
Mouth sore pain23
Mouth sore pain,morning31
Palate sore pain32
Tongue sore pain32
Tongue sides near tip sore pain31
Tongue tip sore pain31
Tongue stitching pain32
Tongue erect papillae22
Acrid saliva21
Stiff tongue21
Palate swelling31
Sensation of palate swelling32
Mouth ulcers21
Tongue ulcers31
Lower teeth pain31
Left teeth pain31
Tearing toothache21
Throat aphtae21
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat dryness,midnight32
Throat gangrene23
Diposition to hawk22
Throat inflammation22
Liquids taken are forced into nose23
Throat mucus21
Throat mucus, midnight31
Throat tenacious mucus31
Throat pain23
Throat pain on coughing32
Throat pain on inspiration31
Throat pain on swallowing33
Throat burning pain22
Throat burning pain,morning32
Throat burning pain,midnight32
Throat rawness pain22
Sore throat22
Sore throat,right side extending to left side32
Sore throat, 4 p.m.32
Throat stinging pain22
Throat stinging pain on swallowing31
Throat left side stitching pain31
Throat paleness22
Throat scratching21
Constant disposition to swallow21
Difficult swallowing31
Difficult swallowing,morning31
Impossible swallowing32
Tonsils swelling31
Throat ulcers22
Fauces ulcers31
Cervical glands swelling33
Membranous croup32
Larynx inflammation in speakers33
Mucus in the air passages21
Mucus in larynx32
Trachea mucus33
Oedema glottidis21
Larynx pain22
Larynx soreness,singers33
Tickling in the air passages21
Tickling in trachea31
Changeable voice33
Deep voice32
Hoarseness from overuse of the voice33
Hoarseness from singing33
Hoarseness from talking33
Hollow voice32
Lost voice32
Lost voice after exposition to northwest wind32
Shrieking voice33
Asthmatic respiration21
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration after sleep32
Difficult respiration with waking32
Cough, 6 - 7 a.m.31
Cough, 5 a.m.31
Distressing cough22
Dry cough21
Hacking cough21
Hacking cough on waking31
Loose cough21
Loose cough without expectoration31
Cough,mucus in chest21
Cough,mucus in larynx32
Cough,mucus in trachea32
Paroxysmal cough21
Racking cough21
Cough during sleep31
Spasmodic cough21
Tickling cough21
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Tormenting cough21
Cough on waking21
Whooping cough21
Difficult expectoration21
Grayish expectoration21
Greenish expectoration21
Mucous expectoration22
Stringy expectoration21
Yellow expectoration21
Cramp in lungs after waking31
Chest fullness21
Pleura inflammation31
Nodule in left mamma32
Chest pain21
Chest left side pain31
Left lung pain,above nipple33
Region of heart pain33
Chest burning pain21
Chest burning pain during coughing31
Chest rawness pain (includes trachea and bronchia)21
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Mammae sore bruised pain31
Chest right side stitching pain31
Chest side stitching pain extending to back31
Chest side stitching pain extending to scapula31
Insatiable appetite21
Wanting appetite21
Eructations,food regurgitation22
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach sore pain on coughing31
Thirst during heat31
Thirst for small quantities31
Thirst,often for small quantities31
Inguinal region excoriations21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Region of hip aching21
Abdomen cutting pain21
Diarrhoea, night31
Diarrhoea after midnight31
Painless diarrhoea31
Excoriation between nates21
Excoriation of perineum21
Rectum fissure21
Involuntary stool during sleep31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Urging to stool21
Mushy yellow stool32
Soft stool21
Watery stool22
Watery brown stool31
Yellow stool21
Fecal yellow stool31
Frequent urination21
Suppression of urine22
Meatus itching21
Pale urine22
Copious urine (increased)22
Scanty urine23
Testes pain extending into spermatic cords31
End of penis smarting pain31
Male genitalia sore,bruised pain21
Spermatic cords tearing pain21
Testes tearing pain21
Right testis tearing pain31
Right testis tearing pain extending to abdomen31
Ovaries cutting pain21
Back coldness,night31
Moist eruption on coccyx32
Cervical region pain21
Between scapulae pain31
Coccyx pain,pressure32
Between scapulae aching pain31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Under scapulae stitching pain31
Cervical region stiffness31
Thumbs clenching31
Upper limbs convulsion31
Hand convulsion31
Thumb convulsion31
Leg cramps31
Leg cramps, morning31
Leg cramps, morning on waking31
Fingers redness31
Thumbs drawn inwards21
Upper limbs pimples eruption31
Between nates moisture31
Leg pimples31
Excoriation between nates31
Upper limbs formication31
Leg heaviness,tired leg31
Foot itching31
Hip pain31
Thigh pain31
Foot pain31
Upper limbs burning pain31
Wrist burning pain31
Thumb burning pain31
Foot feeling as if dislocation31
Shoulder pressing pain31
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised sole31
Sore bruised sole while walking31
Sprained joint32
Sole stitching pain31
Hand stiffness31
Hand swelling31
Falling asleep after eating31
Falling asleep while sitting31
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness, 11 a.m.31
Sleepiness, evening31
Sleepiness after eating32
Sleepiness while sitting31
Sleepiness after supper31
Yawning, 11 a.m.31
Yawning, afternoon31
Coldness in general21
Coldness, afternoon21
Coldness, night21
Coldness beginning in vertex31
Coldness descending21
Heat in general22
Heat, night21
Continued fever,typhus,typhoid23
Continued fever, night31
Exanthemic continued fever31
Continued fever,stupid form31
Dry heat21
Exanthematic fevers, scarlatina32
Intense heat22
Desquamating eruption32
11 a.m.31
At 4 p.m.31
Coffee aggravation31
Hot food aggravation31
Flushes of heat21
Flushes of heat, evening31
Flushes of heat, 8.30 p.m.31
Inflammations, internally31
Burning pain,externally33
Burning pain,internally33
Pain as from burning32
Pressing pain,internally31
Sore,bruised pain31
Symptoms on the left side31
Stretching, afternoon31
Glands swelling32
Paralytic weakness,sliding down in bed31