

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Answer, aversion to answer31
Answers imaginary questions31
Aversion to company21
Frightful delirium32
Restless delirium31
Violent delirium31
Delusions,thought business were pursuing ordinary31
Delusion,is engaged in some occupation31
Delusions,is engaged in ordinary occupation31
Fancies he has epilepsy31
Delusion,sees gigantic figures31
Sees frightful images,phantoms31
Thinks he sees newspapers31
Delusion that she was nursing her child31
Delusions,obects in open air31
Delusions of events long past31
Sees people31
Pleasing delusions31
Thought he had been out in rain from having wet cloth on head31
Sees people in room at bedside31
Imagines herself to be sewing31
Delusion,shopping with her sister31
Sees spectres ghosts spirits31
Familiar things seem strange31
Fancied himself playing with toys31
As if in a dream21
Fear of evil31
Fear of misfortune31
Fear of misfortune during heat31
Fear of her condition being observed31
Throwing hands about31
Picks at bedclothes31
Deficiency of ideas31
Weakness of memory for what is about to say31
Mistakes in time31
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness during the heat31
Internal restlessness31
Restlessness on rising31
Embarrassed speech31
Loud speech31
Nonsense speech31
Slow speech31
Unintelligible speech in sleep31
Starting during sleep31
Indisposed to talk,desire to be silent,taciturn31
Wandering thoughts31
Time passes too quickly31
Unconsciousness after delirium31
Aversion to mental work21
Vertigo,morning on rising31
Vertigo,morning on waking31
Vertigo,moving the head32
Vertigo,moving the head quickly31
Vertigo on rising21
Vertigo,after sleep aggravation31
Vertigo with staggering21
Vertigo on turning or moving the head31
Vertigo on turning the head quickly31
Vertigo while walking21
Unable to hold up head21
Jerking of the head backwards31
Turning head to wrong side when spoken to32
Gastric headache31
Nervous headache31
Headache while walking in open air31
Forehead pain on motion31
Forehead pain from stooping31
Forehead middle pain31
Occiput pain extending to eyes31
Temples pain22
Temples pain,morning on waking31
Temples pain, open air31
Temples pain,intermitting31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Pressing headache as if in a vice31
Temples sore bruised pain21
Brilliant eyes21
Eyes dullness21
Eye pain22
Eye pain at each beat of heart31
Eye pain from light31
Eye cutting pain21
Swollen eye21
Objects seem red31
Confused vision21
Dim vision21
Dim vision while reading31
Objects seem distant21
Foggy vision21
Objects seem large31
Run letters together21
Stars vision21
Whirling vision21
Noises in ear21
Ringing in ear21
Roaring in ear21
Singing in ear21
Tinkling in ear21
Acute hearing21
Acute hearing,night31
Hearing illusions21
Face convulsions,spasms21
Red face21
Frightened expression31
Face heat21
Face twitching21
Cracked fissured tongue31
Brown tongue31
White tongue31
Mouth dryness22
Palate dryness31
Tongue dryness31
Glazed palate21
Indented tongue31
Tongue induration32
Mouth thick mucus31
Sour saliva31
Smooth,shining,glazed,glistening,glossy tongue21
Bad taste31
Pappy taste31
Teeth grinding21
Throat redness31
Throat dryness22
Difficult swallowing solids31
Larynx dryness31
Tickling in the air passages21
Tickling in the air passages from smoking31
Tickling in the air passages on talking31
Difficult respiration on swallowing31
Dry cough21
Dry cough from smoking31
Dry cough on talking31
Cough from larynx dryness31
Cough,mucus in larynx31
Periodic cough from speaking or smoking31
Cough,smoking aggravation31
Cough on talking21
Tickling cough21
Tickling cough from smoking31
Tickling cough on talking31
Difficult expectoration21
Frothy expectoration21
Mucous expectoration21
Rusty expectoration21
Thick expectoration22
Tough expectoration21
Aversion to beer21
Stomach contraction21
Desires salt things21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Vomiting after milk31
Food vomiting 5 or 6 hours after eating31
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Involuntary urination and stool31
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum paralysis21
Urging to stool21
Sore,tender bladder neck22
Bladder neck paralysis21
Retention of urine21
Swollen bladder21
Ineffectual urging to urinate21
Dribbling urination (by drops)21
Urination feeble stream (slow)21
Frequent urination, night31
Involuntary urination21
Involuntary urination after stool31
Acrid urine21
Chronic albuminous urine32
Pale urine21
Copious urine (increased)21
Ovaries pain22
Ovaries cutting pain21
Ovaries drawing pain21
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness21
Swollen ovaries21
Spine coldness31
Back formication21
Back pain22
Cervical region pain22
Spine soreness,spinal irritation32
Extremities coldness21
Hands coldness31
Upper limbs contraction31
Upper limbs contraction on attempting to drink31
Extremities convulsion21
Extremities clonic convulsion31
Extremities cramps21
Dragging legs while walking31
Hands dryness31
Upper limbs formication31
Hand formication31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Limbs difficult motion31
Upper limbs motion forward over chest during clonic cramp31
Extremities numbness21
Hand numbness31
Fingers numbness31
Leg numbness31
Leg stitching pain31
Sensation of leg paralysis31
Hand cold perspiration32
Upper limbs restlessness31
Hand shaking31
Lower limbs stiffness33
Knee stiffness33
First toe stiffness33
Hand swelling31
Extremities tingling,prickling,asleep21
Hand trembling31
Upper limbs twitching31
Forearm twitching31
Leg twitching31
Extremities weakness21
Leg weakness31
Leg weakness on rising from a seat31
Deep sleep21
Sleep disturbed by dreams31
Restless sleep21
Sleeplessness until 1 a.m.31
Waking from dreams31
Frequent waking31
Exhausting dreams21
Dreams of flying21
Frightful dreams21
Dreams about ghosts,spectres21
Dreams about horses21
Dreams of horses running31
Dreams of being pursued21
Internal coldness, evening31
External heat with chilliness31
Open air amelioration32
Motion amelioration32
Stitching pain transversely32
Twitching internally31
Uncovering aggravation22
Walking aggravation22
Weakness on rising31
Weakness during stool31